2 - Play With Fire

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"Do you have any news about Park Sunghoon?" Mr. Kang - their boss - asked as he stepped inside the place with his elegant cane in hand.

"No, sir," Y/N said, shaking her head. "But the Seongs are looking for him, they don't know it's him who we're looking for, though."

"We must find Park before them, if they ever lay their hands on him we won't be able to get any information." The boss said and excused himself before walking out.

Y/N gulped as she stared at her screen, her nails tapping the surface of the table.

"Can you stop it?" Mark asked and Y/N fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Wait a minute, why did you turn off your tracking device yesterday?"

"I..." Starting to panic, she looked away from him as she thought of a lie to tell them. "Because I'm allowed to."

"I know you're the only one allowed to." The words only one weren't necessary. "But why did you have to do it?"

"I was on a date." Way to go, Y/N. "I'm sure I don't have to explain further."

"Guys, leave her alone," Ujin said as he looked up from his screen. "Working in this field means danger most of the time and Y/N would like to keep her lover safe, you know?"

"Exactly." Folding her arms over her chest, she let out a sigh as she stared at the three of them. 

How much more does she need to lie to them? She felt bad. But she still felt the need to protect him, because if anyone catches him, he'll be done for. She couldn't deny the fact that she hated him to the core, but she also couldn't deny the fact that her feelings for him were still there, hidden in a corner of her heart.

"Sure." Mark shrugged, nodding, but Y/N could feel that something was off. As if he wasn't really sure.

"Anyways, let's focus on more important matters." Clearing her throat, she turned her chair towards her screen. "What do we do with him?"

"Whatever we do, he already knows it," Kwan muttered as he blankly stared at the wall with a frown. "We should take him off guard."

"I agree." Mark nodded. "If we take action the same way we do, he'll always be a step ahead of us since he already knows about it. And just like that, we'll never be able to catch him. Not before he gets what he wants, anyways."

"What does he want?" Y/N raised an eyebrow, tilting her head up and looking at Mark.

"He killed Seong's son, what do you think he wants?" He shook his head. "Information? He had every single one when he worked here. Wealth? No, it's more like he wants to take over his power."

"What do you mean?"

"It's easy if you really think about it. Seong has every connection with all the Chaebols and he has two sons. Sunghoon killed the youngest and the oldest, Seong Min Jun, is the heir now. It's not surprising if Sunghoon goes after him and then his father, getting rid of them all to be able to make his way to the top?"

Y/N just stared at him, speechless. 

"Right, Ujin?" Mark looked at him as he tilted his head.

"Yeah, I mean that's what someone like him would do." He said and Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"Someone like him?" It didn't sit quite right with her.

"Well, someone who's able to kill a child. You know, humans' nature is like that, doing anything for power." He said, and his words bothered her. No matter what anyone tells her, Sunghoon wasn't like that. 

Seriously, what happened to the sweet guy who walked her home every night and kissed her forehead before he made sure she safely got inside your apartment? What happened to the guy who called every morning to wish her a good day?

"Hm." She hummed, not knowing what to say anymore. Sunghoon's really left her confused, speechless, and mad. It bothered her so much.

"What if you meet with Min Jun, Y/N?" Kwan blurted out after a moment of silence, making them frown. "The two of you get closer to each other and you silently make your way into the family."

"Do you think that would be easy?" Y/N scoffed, shaking her head. "If Mr. Seong knows we're the ones who killed his son he'll-"

"Was it us who killed him?" Ujin raised an eyebrow and Y/N sighed heavily.

"He was one of us."

"He was, but he's no longer one of us. Now, he's our enemy." Folding his arms over his chest and turning his chair towards the others, he shrugged. "We're trying to help Mr. Seong, in a way. You'll just be there to see if Sunghoon is up to anything."

"Okay," Mark nodded. "Y/N, can you talk to Mr. Kang about it? This seems like a good idea."

"Why don't you meet him yourself?" She asked and Mark laughed.

"If he was gay, I would have tried." 

"I'll think about it." With that, she glanced at Ujin who nodded at her and smiled before she walked out of their office and towards Mr. Kang's. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on his door.

"Come in." He said and when she walked inside, his eyes softened. "Oh, Y/N."

"Hello, sir," She bowed politely.

"What is it, dear?" Mr. Kang was like a father figure to Y/N. He was the one to take her in when her own father kicked her out because he married another woman. The same woman he cheated on her mother with.

Y/N's mother left them both because she hated her family, and because, as she claimed, like father, like daughter. Yet, Y/N was only six.

"Well, we thought of a plan." She said. "I think I'll have to meet with Seong Min Jun."

"What for?"

"To get closer to him and eventually find out things about the Seongs. We need to know if they're on our side or not-"

"They're never on our side, Y/N." He shook his head. "Do you think Mr. Seong despises murderers? No, he only despises the one murderer that killed his son... but Mr. Seong is a murderer himself. If it weren't for his kindness of ten years ago, I wouldn't have hesitated to expose all his crimes to the government, but I'm just repaying that kindness."

"I... understand." She muttered, a little confused. "But... until when are you going to keep helping him cover his wrongdoings? Mr. Kang, I think you already repaid the little bit of kindness he might have shown you."

"You think so?" He smiled.

"Yes, and I think it would be a good idea if I get closer to his oldest son so that then we can find out everything behind that family." She explained and Mr. Kang listened, frowning or nodding from time to time.

"Do you think this will work?"

"I'm sure it will. It also will help us get rid of Park, he's interrupting us on purpose. He's been ruining every mission of ours, and the chaebols might grow suspicious of us, Mr. Kang. Even the Seongs. They will do anything to catch the murd- the one who killed their youngest son, and I think Park has something to do with them."

"Right..." He muttered, placing his arms on his desk as he sighed. "I think you can do this, actually."

"Thank you, sir." Y/N bowed before she excused herself and walked out of the office, her eyes cold as she thought of Sunghoon. But then a little smirk appeared in the corner of her lips as she walked through the hallway.

Park was playing with fire.

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