20 - Black Rose

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"So, any plans?" Y/N asked as she folded her arms over her chest and looked at the guys who sat across from her. 

"Actually, I think we can have a little fun with them." Jungwon's voice made them all look back at him. "Catching them right away is no fun, don't you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"First of all, we can't take them all at the same time. I'm sure you know by now that it's not just Ujin, Mark, and Kwan. It's a whole organization behind them." He crossed his legs and shrugged. 

"I'm guessing Ujin has something to do with the Seongs. He was the one who killed Chul, don't you think it's quite suspicious? He should have gone for Haru yet he didn't." Sunghoon spoke, directing all their gazes on him.

"Do you mean Ujin knows it's not the real Min Jun?" Y/N's eyes slightly widened when the realization hit her. "So Ujin is related to whoever killed Seong Min Jun?"

"That's my theory, otherwise he should have killed Haru." A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of Ujin killing Haru.

"So we need to find who killed Seong Min Jun." Y/N nodded, taking in every word Sunghoon had said. "That was a few years ago."

"Don't worry, I'll find every detail about it before you even know it. They call me ace for a reason." Heeseung spoke and she smiled.

"Well, aren't you just full of yourself? I'm sure your playing cards are just as impressive." When she looked back at Sunghoon, he just nodded knowingly as if to let her know it was real. 

Heeseung was an ace when it came to hacking or looking for information. After all, he was a member of Anonymous and received hacking training.

"Hong Moon, sixty-three years old," Heeseung muttered, his eyes glued on his laptop's screen. Y/N didn't even know when he looked things up yet he already had information that she was dying to find. "He's a businessman, of course, but he's also the leader of Black Rose. Well, he was."

"Black Rose?" Y/N raised her eyebrow as she folded her arms over her chest and crossed her legs, leaning in her seat while she tried recalling where she heard the name. It was so damn familiar. 

"He has two children." Heeseung's eyes widened before he broke into a smirk. "Hong Ujin and Hong Bora. We got him."

Ujin's name wasn't the reason why Y/N's eyes widened, it was the girl's name. It wasn't a name Y/N could easily forget because it was her rival's name. 

Back when she was in training in Japan, Hong Bora was her sworn enemy. Y/N couldn't deny it, she was such a worthy opponent although she always came second. She was stiff and sometimes their fights were boring, but Y/N could never forget that one time when Bora cheated.

A devilish smirk was plastered on Y/N's face as she recalled the memories that she thought she buried deep down in her heart.

Did he know? Y/N couldn't wait to see the look on Bora's face when she kills her brother. Oh, how much she wanted to see her again and show her how much stronger she got. 

She felt satisfied when she defeated men, but when it came to women, Y/N felt satisfaction on a whole another level. 

"Hong Bora... she's twenty-three years old? From Busan, trained in Japan, and came back to become the leader of Black Rose after her father's death." She muttered, making them look at her in disbelief and confusion.

"I was about to read that from here," Heeseung said and she shrugged.

"We met in Japan. She was one of my rivals and she was such a pain in the ass. I see she still is."

"She must know about you. I mean, I'm sure Ujin told her. But are they after you or are you just in their way?" Jungwon's words made her frown. "Why did he kill your father?"

"Jungwon-" Sunghoon wanted to stop him but Y/N shook her head, letting him know that Jungwon had a point.

"Mr. Kang has been shielding the Seongs for so long, so you get why they killed him." Her eyes coldly darted from Jungwon to her tight fists. "I refuse to believe that Bora wants to play with me. She had always been jealous of the way I had Mr. Kang when she didn't have a father or mother figure. But that wouldn't be the reason, right?"

The look on her face sent shivers down their spine. Y/N was known to be coldhearted but the way she looked at them wasn't cold at all. It was a look of thirst for revenge and blood, and they weren't sure if they wanted to get that revenge.

Sunghoon would destroy the world for her, and if he decided to, they all would be breaking it alongside him. However, they had to make sure not to destroy her in the process.

"We need to locate their base. We'll start  from there." Sunghoon spoke and they nodded their heads in agreement while Y/N sat there silently, voices screaming in her mind.

"Working on it." Heeseung stood up to make his way back to the office while Jungwon and Niki followed him.

"Where are Jay and Sunoo?" Jake asked, flashing Y/N a bitter smile in an attempt to comfort her.

"They're out grocery shopping," Sunghoon replied, his eyes glued on Y/N who seemed to have a lot going on inside. "Let's take it easy, hm?"

"I can't take it easy when now I know who's behind all of this and I can't wait to just-" She stopped and scoffed. "End them all."

"Are you... ready to go on this journey? You don't have to get your hands bloody when I'm with you. I'll do whatever it takes to ease your pain even the slightest bit." Sunghoon said, his words as soft as his eyes. Then he leaned to plant a kiss on her forehead.

Her eyes softened and it seemed that the ice around her melted at his touch. "I know."

Y/N was ready for whatever was waiting for them because she knew he was by her side, along with them all.

"We're home." Y/N wasn't used to hearing this but somehow, her heart felt at peace whenever she did. Jay and Sunoo stepped inside while holding some grocery bags. Sunoo's eyes darted at her and his expression turned cold, taking her off guard.

"Perhaps you should talk to him." Sunghoon's voice made her look back at him before she sighed and hesitantly followed him to his room.

"What do you want?" Sunoo spat, making her know clearly that she was unwanted in his room. "Don't you know any privacy?"

"Your room is nice." She said, looking around. He had a gaming chair in front of the desk with the big screens and Y/N smiled knowingly. "You play?"

"No shit Sherlock." Okay, he was indeed mad at her.

"I'm sorry?" She voiced out, although she hated apologizing. But Sunoo was one of Sunghoon's teammates and it seemed that he cared for him a lot so she couldn't disrespect him or brush it off as if nothing had happened. "I had to be a bitch."

"Oh, really?" He smiled sarcastically then rolled his eyes. 

"Do you play League Of Legends? Sorry, that's all I play." She chuckled. "I used to play with Sunghoon, he's always dying while I'm always trying to save his ass." 

"I'm sure I play better than you." She could see the corner of his lips go up.

"Wanna bet?" Sunoo scoffed then shook his head, a playful smile on his lips. She felt at ease when the two of them kinda made up. But when they started playing together, she knew for a fact that he wasn't mad anymore.

"What are you even doing?" She screamed when he didn't save her. "You're such an asshole, Sunoo."

"It's not my fault you suck at this. You might be better than Sunghoon but no one is better than me." 

"Okay, I surrender, you're the best, greatest player of all time." The two of them were laughing their hearts out while trying not to be defeated in the game.

Sunghoon stood at the door and watched them with soft eyes before he closed the door behind them and walked away, their laughter a melody to his ears.

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