14 - I Don't Fucking Care

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Sunghoon sat at the edge of his bed, staring at an unconscious Y/N with a bandaged arm. It was so silent, but he knew the moment she opened her eyes, the whole place would be a mess.

Because Y/N wouldn't like what he was thinking of doing.

"How can you be so..." He muttered, sighing heavily and resting his head on his hands. She was so stubborn but the fact that he shot her sent shivers down his spine.

It wasn't because of revenge, Sunghoon would let her shoot him over and over again if it made her feel any good. But he knew for a fact that she was hurting and in danger without even realizing it.

"You're so stubborn that I don't want you to go anywhere... that I don't want you to leave my sight ever again." He sighed again and closed his eyes.

But before he knew it, he felt her move slightly. Looking back at a wide-eyed Y/N who seemed to be confused and frightened, he felt his heart drop before his lips parted. 

"What-" She muttered, backing away when she winced in pain. 

"Be careful-" Sunghoon reached his hand to help her but she closed her eyes and turned her head to the other side, refusing to look at him.

"Don't t-touch me." 

She knew she shot him too so she had no right to be mad, but she was hurt. She felt hurt and betrayed and lost. Slowly sitting up, she looked at her bandaged arm and sighed, tracing it with her fingers.

"We're even now." She spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence that was surrounding them. But when she tried to get out of bed and leave, he grabbed her wrist only for her to yank it away. "I said don't fucking touch me!"

"Y/N..." He called, frowning. "I'm sorry, but I won't let you leave."

"What..." Her breath hitched.

"You're staying here, for the meantime." He said but she scoffed, turning around to leave when he grabbed her arm again. "Y/N, don't make me-"

"Let g-go-" She fought back but her arm pained her too much so she pushed him away and fell to the floor. "You fucking- I h-hate you!"

"Yeah, hate me." He said, walking past her as she closed her eyes and breathed heavily. "I'd rather have you hate me."

She closed her eyes tightly, holding her arm as she groaned in pain. It was too much to bear, but what frustrated her more was the fact that he took her off guard in her weakest moment. Tears fell down her cheeks before she wiped them off. "F-fuck!"

And she stood up, breathing heavily as she walked to the door. "Open the door!" She screamed and knocked hard on it but there was no answer. "You fucking idiot! Let me g-go!"

No one answered her, but Sunghoon clenched his jaw as he leaned his back against the door. He hated the fact that he had to hurt her, but he couldn't let her go because she'd get hurt. Whatever happened, he knew he couldn't lose her.

A few minutes passed and Y/N hadn't knocked on the door nor screamed. It was too silent and Sunghoon realized that she was just too tired after what happened. So, grabbing the aid kit, he made his way to the room where she was staying before he slowly opened the door.

And there she was, sleeping on the bed as she held her arm, sweat dripping down her forehead. He knew it hurt as fuck, because having a bullet pierce your skin felt like having your skin burned and torn apart.

Kneeling next to her, he got some ointment and new bandages out before he started undoing the old bandages. And that's also when she opened her eyes. 

"Don't-" She started, but he smiled bitterly.

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