17 - Broken Walls

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It wasn't hard getting used to that place. She lived there once and it was enough to call it home back then. But it was different now when she felt like a stranger, although Sunghoon's room was quite her safe place.

No one bothered her, besides him of course. He checked up on her every minute and made sure she didn't kill herself yet. He couldn't read her like an open book, and he certainly didn't know what to expect.

Sunghoon knew very well how much Y/N was in pain, he also knew that she would have preferred to keep it hidden as she always does. That's why it was surprising to see her cry and cling to him the way she did. It must have been too much to take.

What bothered him and made his heart ache was the fact that after hugging him and crying her heart out, she went back to being her usual self. As if nothing was wrong. She didn't cry again nor showed any sign of weakness.

She just sat there on his bed or stood next to the window, staring at the sky. One would say she was kidnapped, but she was well aware that she stepped into Sunghoon's place because it was the only place she could stay and give herself some time to think.

Two days had passed and her wound was healing faster than they thought. She was strong, after all. 

"Y/N?" The voice from outside the room interrupted her thoughts as she turned around and made her way to the door, resting her hand on the doorknob as she thought if talking to the person outside was a good idea. Sunghoon was the only one she tolerated there and the one standing outside was definitely not him.

The door opened though, and her sight was met by the black-haired guy that she managed to threaten twice. He didn't seem scared of her, but his eyes gave away a feeling of mistrust.

She stood there, staring at him with emotionless eyes as he cleared his throat. "Someone is here for you."

His words made her frown. No one knew where she was and Sunghoon wouldn't let anyone she knows step inside his place to meet her- Unless he did. 

Her breath stuck and her eyes glistened as she stared at Sunoo standing in front of her. "Who...?"

"Haru." It only took him one word to make her run past him and towards the main room, right where Haru was waiting for her. A lump formed in her throat as she tried to stop herself from crying, but the moment his eyes met hers, everything slowed down around her and the only thing she could hear was her sobbing.


He slowly approached her before wrapping his arms around her, holding her so close he felt her whole body shake. He knew how much pain she was in because Mr. Kang wasn't someone that would walk out of her life without her breaking down. 

He was all she had for all these years, and now she was alone. Everyone in her life either abandoned her or hurt her, and the wounds left were so damn painful.

She wanted to undo everything and erase all her past but now that everything fell down like a house of cards, would she even be able to change it?

"It's okay-" Haru tried comforting her but she tightened her grip around him and cried harder, oblivious to Sunghoon who stood at the door and watched her in someone else's arms. It broke him, how she could break down in Haru's arms without hesitating one second.

Yet, with him, it took her a while. A long time indeed.

"Nothing is okay!" She sobbed, her head aching. "He's gone! Do you understand? He's just... he's not h-here anymore!"

"I almost lost you." 

Everyone watched the two of them without uttering a single word. The intimacy, the pain, and the tension that were present in that room were suffocating. None of them could complain or dare to interrupt either Y/N who was in Haru's arms or Sunghoon who just stared at them with a heavy heart.

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