12 - War Of Hearts

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The walls surrounding her were too gray as she sat there and listened to the sound of the rain crashing against the ground. Raindrops fell down her window as she stared at them, remembering the old days.

She used to stare at the raindrops on the car's window, choose one and then see if it managed to reach the end first. She was so innocent, oblivious to the evil world around her. 

But she walked into that world by herself.

Wrapping her arms around her legs, she rested her head on her knees and sat alone, thinking about her life. It was tragic, complicated, ironic, and everything that was wrong.

Her love life was a mess, and the world was unfair to her. Haru, her first love, was back and she didn't know what to do. She hated to admit it, but she needed someone to hold her and bring her broken pieces together. She needed him.

She knew very well that no one could comfort her the way he did.

Her arms tightened around her as she let out a heavy sigh, feeling her heart sink the more she let her thoughts eat her inside.

But the sound of silence and rain was interrupted by someone knocking on her door, and she froze. No one knew about her place other than Mr. Kang and she wasn't expecting him to come. 

Slowly standing up, she silently took out a gun from her nightstand and leaned on the wall next to the door.

For a minute, she could only hear the sound of the rain. But then, she heard knocks again, although this time it was different. So different and unique that it made her heart drop.

Six tuned knocks were all it took for Y/N to open the door, and there he was, standing at the door while drenched by the rain. His blond hair fell on his eyes but she noticed how they were full of sadness and worry.

"Y/N..." Sunghoon breathed, his eyes shifting to the gun in her hand. 

"Why are you here?" She spoke, her eyes glistening. She was trying her best to hold back her tears, but the sight of him standing right in front of her was too much to take.

"I... heard..." He couldn't say it, but she knew he was talking about her mother's death. The question was how did he know? 

"How..." She let out, eyebrows furrowing and eyes full of confusion. Sunghoon looked down, trying to come up with something right to say. But nothing was right. "Are you still spying on us?"

"I-" He looked up and at her as his breath stuck. But before telling her the truth, he grabbed her arm and pushed her inside, closing the door behind him as he leaned on it. "Y/N, I..."

"You know, right?" Her eyes slightly widened, her heart racing. "You saw us... you know him."

"Yes." He muttered, looking away from her. "I've been having access to all your information... so when you set that camera in his room, I witnessed everything."

"Sunghoon..." She called, eyes brimming with tears. "Is it true?"

"Uh?" He clenched his jawline and she could see his Adam's apple going up and down as he swallowed.

"It wasn't you..." She said hesitantly and she saw him tense.

"No," Sunghoon gasped, looking back at her and into her eyes. Without realizing it, she stepped closer to him before she rested her hand against his cheek, staring at him with glistening eyes. He felt cold against her warm hand. So cold it broke her heart.

"I..." She whispered, fingers tracing his blond hair as he just stood there staring at her. "I'm sorry."

He swallowed, hard, his chest heaving, his words a breathless, shaky whisper when he says, "Do you believe me? W-why?"

There was a look of confusion on her face as she tried to understand what he meant. Why did she believe him? After all this time, she had been accusing him of being the monster he never was.

"Sunghoon, I-"

"You don't believe me!" He slightly raised his voice, his eyes welling up with tears. "You're just saying that because you believe him!"

"No, Sunghoon, I-"

"I've been begging you desperately to believe me! It hurts to know that the only person I love in the whole world believed that I'm a monster... but the moment someone else tells her it's not true, she believes him."

His words pierced her heart like a sharp knife and he cried, the tears falling down his cheeks as he let it all out. 

Before he knew it, she threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly. He straightened, but she crushed her body into his. Then, after a moment, his arms wrapped around her, keeping her close to him, so close that as she shut her eyes and breathed him in, she couldn't tell where he ended and she began.

Sunghoon was crying and she could feel his hot breath on her neck as he bent his head, resting his cheek against her hair. Her heart beat so quickly, and yet she felt utterly calm - as if she could have stayed there forever and not minded, stayed there forever and let the world fall apart around them.

"I'm sorry." She repeated, again and again. "I'm sorry I didn't-"

He pulled away, breathing heavily before he runs his fingers through his hair and sighed heavily. "I couldn't believe you. If someone told me that you killed someone, I wouldn't believe them. So why did you think I was-"

"The bracelet I gave you," Y/N spoke, looking down. "I saw it and... there was only one, how could I believe you?"

Reaching for his hand, she pulled up his sleeve to see if he still had it but it was nowhere to be found. And that made her heart sink to the ground. 

He pulled his hand away from her as he looked right into her eyes. There was no trace of a vulnerable Sunghoon anymore. 

"I knew it." He slightly scoffed. "You don't believe me... but you do believe him."

"That's not-" She tried to hold his arm but he yanked her arm away, glaring at her. 

"Do not touch me." He warned. "I don't care if you believe me or not anymore, I don't need you. I was worried about you... what the hell was wrong with me? I don't give any fucks about you or what's happening to you."

"What?" She muttered, frowning. 

"Y/N, I want you to suffer as much as you made me suffer." He said before opening the door behind him. "I'm done waiting for you."

With that, he walked away and the only thing she could hear was her racing heart and the rain.

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