18 - Homesick

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Y/N sat on her knees in front of the grave, staring at her savior's name engraved on the tombstone. Kang Dae Hyun. Just like his name, he always carried great honor. It was such a shame he died that way, he didn't deserve it.

It was so quiet, she couldn't even hear. She was tired, as she'd run a marathon, built a house, taken an exam... she shoveled herself into a hole of her own ignorance, her own illness, her problems, and hers alone.

Sunghoon stood behind her, guarding her against anything and everything. The problems were never his, yet he was the first one to help her whenever she needed it.

Everyone around them had their heads down low, paying respect to the one who passed away. As much as they wanted Sunghoon to leave Y/N, the sight of him risking it all just for her made them realize that it was never possible.

He was never leaving her because she was imperfection at its finest, a deeply flawed individual who looked and seemed completely content and achingly gorgeous. 

No one would know the depths of her personality if she doesn't open up to them, which is the case ninety-nine percent of the time. Until she met Sunghoon, making him the one percent who made her reveal her deepest secrets and feelings. 

"It's all my fault," They could hear her mutter as she let out a heavy sigh, her heart heavier. "I'm sorry." 

Y/N couldn't hear Mr. Kang's reply from underneath the ground, unsure if it'd make a difference. It's not your fault.

She mourned in silence while Haru just stared at her with sad eyes. He knew better than anyone that Mr. Kang's death would leave a deep wound in Y/N's life, and everyone that was the reason behind his death would have to pay for it with their lives.

Since she was a child, Y/N believed in an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. He still remembered how a kid next door cut her hair and she didn't hesitate on breaking his leg. 

He knew that the moment she'd catch those who dared put an end to Mr. Kang's precious soul, things were going to be so ugly. 

His eyes darted to Sunghoon who was staring at Y/N with sad eyes. So this is the man Y/N loves, he thought and his heart ached a little, although he was happy it was Sunghoon she loved because he knew that nothing would ever happen to her as long as he's with her. 

He loved her more than he loved himself, and even though he got hurt because of her, she would always be the woman who has his heart and who he'd do anything for. 

Y/N silently stood up, standing still in front of the grave with tears in her eyes. Her hair perfectly hid her face as she looked down, but they could hear her sigh heavily. She was exhausted.

When she turned around, Sunghoon was staring at her. She still didn't know what he was thinking behind those big brown eyes of his, but he just nodded solemnly as if he was watching something in front of him and it wasn't real.

"Are you alright?" He asked and she allowed her furrowed brows to relax.

"I think I am." She slightly nodded and walked past them before they followed behind her. The black car drove from the cemetery to Kang's mansion where they gathered. Mr. Kang didn't have any children or family, and in his will, his property was to be directly inherited by Y/N.

She didn't know if she wanted to thank him or yell at him because what's the point of anything is he wasn't there with her? The huge mansion felt so lonely as she walked down the hallway and stared at everything that was left.

"Haru," She stopped, turning around to look at him. "I don't know what to do with all this now... can you-"

"You don't have to ask." He smiled a little, his eyes softening when the corner of her lips lifted up. "I'll be glad to help."

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