19 - Magnets

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Y/N sat with the three other gang members as she watched them tap on the table. She was so concentrated on what they were saying and they didn't even realize it.

"I appreciate how you guys think my red hair is gorgeous and it's a fact. But it doesn't feel right for you to talk about me in Morse code. It's so outdated." She spoke and their eyes widened as they looked at her.

"We didn't realize that our admiration for your red hair was so offensive to you. We'll make sure to only use the most cutting-edge forms of communication when expressing our love for your locks from now on." The one with dark green hair said and she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Your apology is accepted. I'm sure my hair will sleep better at night knowing it has your cutting-edge approval." 

And the two went on a staring contest until he sighed and decided to break it, making Y/N fold her arms over her chest with a feeling of victory rushing over her. It was stupid but she was having fun. 

"I'm Heeseung." He said and she nodded. "I'm the oldest."

"I'm sure you'll be receiving a medal for your outstanding accomplishment any day now." She muttered and he threw his hands up in defeat.

"Are you always like this?"

"Only when I'm awake and breathing. I make sure to turn off my personality when I'm sleeping." When she said they made her feel at home, she regretted it now. Heeseung was annoying and the rest just listened with their eyes about to pop out of their place.

"We don't want to fight with you." Another one said and she fought the urge to snap at him when he looked genuine. "We only want to help and we hope you're comfortable here."

"What's your name?" She didn't know why but she decided to be at peace with them. After all, they were Sunghoo's people.

"Jake." He smiled, his eyes closing. He looked cute and friendly which made her feel at ease. There was one left, but he looked like he wasn't interested in introducing himself. "Niki."

"What?" He spat and Heeseung turned to him before grabbing him by the ear. "What the fuck-"

"I told you not to swear a million times before, you ungrateful brat." Y/N just rolled her eyes and looked away as the two kept on bickering. But when the guy called Niki cursed in Japanese, her eyes widened.

"You're Japanese?"

"No, he just really loves sushi and anime." Heeseung laughed and she just looked at him in disgust. 

"Do you realize he called you dickhead in Japanese?" She said and Niki's eyes widened before he blinked her way. "You're welcome."

"How did you know?" Niki asked, curious as to how she knew what he said. Because someone who's not a native Japanese wouldn't know that slang. "Are you Korean-Japanese or something?"

"No, but I lived in Nagasaki for a few years."

"Were you studying there or something?" He asked and she tilted her head, looking at him in disbelief.

"Or something." He rolled his eyes at her but she still felt the need to answer him. "I was training."

"To fight?" Y/N nodded and his eyes brightened. "I'm thrilled to see your fighting skills."

"I am just a regular Bruce Lee." They all broke into laughter and on cue, Jungwon walked inside, making her roll her eyes. "Here we go again."

"Does my presence bother you or something?" He folded his arms over his chest and glared at her. Was it like a thing they had going on?

"Not at all." She shook her head and smiled sarcastically. "Your presence is like a warm, comforting blanket on a cold winter day. I could bask in it forever."

"I wonder why Sunghoon loves you." His words made her smile drop before she stood up and approached him, her finger pointing to his chest.

"Shut the fuck up." He gulped while she just put a few strands of hair behind her ears. "By the way, where is he? I don't want to waste my time chatting with you guys when I have people to kill." 

"We don't kill-"

"I will kill for revenge. The regret and guilt I'm feeling are like a big ball of frustration, self-pity, and blame all rolled into one. It's a sick feeling that's consuming me from the inside out. I say I should have and I could have but I'm left with nothing but the harsh and cruel bitch of reality. So I will kill to make it stop."

Everyone went silent after she spat her words like knives piercing their skin. "In his office," Jungwon muttered, feeling as intimidated as ever. Her gaze was cold and emotionless and that was the last thing he saw before she walked out of the room and toward Sunghoon's office.

"Hey." She peeked from the door while he was staring at his screen. He was the only one in the office and when he looked up at her, he smiled a little. 

"Is everything okay?" His eyes were half open as if he hadn't slept for days. He looked kind of drunk and she wanted to kiss him, to walk close, cradling his face and make her way around his lips.

"Yeah, apart from Jungwon being an asshole and the oldest and the youngest being clowns. The only sane ones are Jay and Jake. And there's Sunoo who must hate me." She muttered, drawing circles on his desk. "Do you hate me?"

"No." It was sudden, but the answer wasn't spontaneous. Sunghoon had asked himself if he hated Y/N a couple of times already, yet the answer remained the same. "You changed... I hate what you became."

His hands reached for hers while she stared at him and at how his eyes looked under the dim light of the office. "Don't we all change?"

"We do... but I miss the girl who loved and trusted me..." His words were like a knife that stabbed Y/N right into the heart. She felt ashamed for doubting him and ashamed for allowing herself to be manipulated by Ujin who she wanted to kill so badly.

Sunghoon could see the emotion playing across her face and he slowly pulled her on top of him, his own feelings of pain, relief, and love for her overwhelming him. 

Y/N reached up and put away a few strands of his silver hair off his forehead before gently cupping his cheeks with her hands. "I miss all of you, Sunghoon... everything about you."

She slowly traced his eyebags with the tip of her finger and he leaned against the palm of her hand. "I've been having nightmares lately... they're usually about losing you."

"I'm not going anywhere." She smiled a little, her eyes glistening.

"Do you want me back, Y/N?" His hands slid to her waist as he held her closer, his eyes never leaving hers. "I don't know if you want to be with Haru because he's your first love but I-"

"What?" His words took her off guard. "Why do you think I want to be with him?"

"Well, he's attractive, and... you look at him as if he's your everything."

"You're attractive too." Her fingers went behind his ears as she smiled at him. "Haru is a nice guy, but he's not my everything."

The corner of Sunghoon's mouth slightly went up while he stared at her. "I want you back, Y/N. I want you and I would do anything to be by your side."

She leaned in closer, her gaze never leaving him, and she could see the desire and longing in his eyes. She took a deep breath and slowly pressed her lips to his like two magnets colliding, savoring the softness of his mouth and the taste of his kiss. 

Sunghoon wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. Their bodies were close, their hearts beating in sync, and for a moment, nothing else in the world mattered. They were lost in their love and their passion, completely consumed by each other. 

The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity, and when they finally parted, they were both breathless and smiling. Y/N slowly leaned to kiss his forehead, and Sunghoon melted at her touch. 

He didn't feel butterflies, no, what he felt was more like fucking fireworks, and before the two of them knew it, they were leaning in for a second kiss.

Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, their bodies entwined, their hearts beating as one.

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