15 - Run Back To You

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Y/N stood next to the hospital's room, panting. She could see him lying on the bed and sleeping from outside the door.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips and she slowly made her way inside, walking to him with hesitant steps. "Haru..." She muttered, eyes softening. His face was pale and he had a cut near his lips. 

He survived the surgery, they said. It was almost critical but they managed to take out the bullet and wrap up the surgery without any issues. She knew he could do it, he wasn't going to surrender just like that.

She didn't realize it until his hand reached for her, slowly placing it against his cheek as she widened her eyes.

"It's you," Haru muttered, eyes still closed. "You're... here."

"Yes," She breathed, relieved. "I am." 

Then he slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the light coming from the big window next to his bed before he looked at her. And his stomach dropped. She was a mess. She was still wearing the same clothes and her arm... the bandages were loose from all the running, but she couldn't care less.

The pain was nothing compared to her longing to see Haru and make sure he was alright.

He blinked in confusion, tracing her arm hesitantly with the tip of his fingers. "What happened...?" She stared at him, his eyes full of worry and concern, then she smiled bitterly.

"Thank you, Haru. You saved me... once again." She muttered and he smiled, remembering the time when he saved her from a car crash back when they were young. She always remembered it too. "But... I was afraid."

"Y/N..." He called, his eyes softening when hers started brimming with tears.

"Now that you're back... I don't want to lose you again." Y/N uttered and Haru wiped her tears, slightly nodding to make sure she'll know that he was never leaving her again. 

"Are you okay?" He asked and she just shrugged.

"I'm trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my arm..." She chuckled a little, running her fingers through her hair. "You should stay safe, Haru. I know you're important to Mr. Seong, but that's also why I'm worried. Whoever those masked men were, I'm sure there are more of them."

"I know I'm in great danger." He joked. "But at least I get to hold you like this."

His arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer to him, her hand resting on his arm as she was taken off guard. Then he slightly groans, putting his other hand on his stomach, right where his wound was.

"Don't move. You should get some rest."

Carefully stepping back and pulling away from him, she gave him one last smile and sighed. "I need to go back...I'll come back to see you, I promise."

"I'll be waiting for you, then." He smiled and watched her leave the room, leaving him alone as he closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. 

And Y/N just walked out of the hospital, thinking about Haru... and Sunghoon. Even though Haru was her first love, and even if she loved him so much, the love she had for him was different than her love for Sunghoon. It was clear when Haru's touch didn't feel right at all.

It was complicated how she was mad with everything he was doing, but at the same time, she wanted him to show her that he wasn't like that. That he was still in love with her and that he'd do everything to be with her again.  

But that was only wishful thinking.

Getting her motorbike from the Seongs mansion, she drove back to the office before she made her way inside, looking for the others. It was weird how everything was too quiet and how no one was there.

"Guys?" She called, her eyebrows furrowing when she stepped inside their office, and her stomach dropped when she saw her things scattered all over the place. Then she bent down to get her papers and stuff when she saw something that wasn't supposed to be there.

Grabbing the bracelet off the floor, her eyes widened as she looked at the same bracelet she made and gave Sunghoon. It was ridiculous, why would it be there?

Y/N stood up and looked around her before she walked to Mr. Kang's office, looking for him. However, what awaited her wasn't something she was expecting at all.

"Mr. Kang?" She called, slowly making her way towards him. Mr. Kang was resting his head on his desk and it made her heart race. He never slept in the office. He never let his guard down. "Mr. Kang-"

The moment she touched his shoulder and shook it to wake him up, she realized both his arms were hanging by his side. He wasn't asleep, he was unconscious.

"What the-" She breathed, heart racing inside her chest. "Fuck..."

Her fingers found their way to his wrist to check his breathing and it hit her. There were none. Mr. Kang wasn't unconscious, he was dead. And her heart dropped as she took a step backward, her breathing heavy and uneven.

Tears started forming in her eyes. She loosed a shuddering breath, and a small, whimpering noise came out of her - a sob. Then another. She couldn't believe what was happening, it was ridiculous and... why?

She didn't know what to do, so she just walked out of his office, the horrific scene engraved in her mind. And upon stepping into their office, her whole body froze. All of them were there, Ujin, Kwan, and Mark. They were there.

"Ujin, Mr. Kang i-is... he's-"

"Dead?" Ujin asked, playing with the key around his finger. "I know. I killed him." 

Y/N frowned, tears falling down her cheeks. "W-what?"

"I. Killed. Him." He smiled. Ujin... smiled. "It wasn't too hard, you know, putting poison in his drink." 

"Ujin." She said, her tone the coldest ever. "I'm going to kill you." Then she looked at Mark and Kwan who could only look away. It seemed that Ujin did it on his own, but they were a part of his plan. They were with him.

Y/N scoffed, letting out a laugh before she screamed and attacked Ujin, but he was fast enough to dodge her fist. 

"Too slow." He muttered, smirking. "My turn." 

Then before she knew it, he hit her arm making her scream in pain. "Fuck-" She groaned, holding her arm as she felt the world around her spin. But she couldn't help but hold his hand, making him fall to the ground. 

Although the next thing she knew was the stinging pain in her leg. Ujin cut through her skin with his knife and she winced, but she had a little bit of energy left to kick him with her other foot and run away. 

She was in too much pain, but she managed to escape right in time. Tears blurred her vision as she just ran in the dark, her whole body aching. 

It was night, her house was too far away that she'd collapse to the ground before even reaching it. So, she run to the place she despised. It was ironic, how she ran away from there a few hours ago but was now running back to it to save her life.

Standing in front of the entrance, she put in the password and walked in, groaning in pain. And then there he was, staring at her with wide eyes as he panted. It seemed that he ran to the front door after seeing her on the CCTV.

"I..." Tears fell down her cheeks while trying to keep her balance by leaning on the wall next to her. "Sunghoon, I-"

"Y/N..." He muttered but before he knew it, she walked to him with unsteady steps and threw herself at him, grabbing onto his neck with both arms.

She was sobbing. Bawling. Crying so hard her whole body was shaking. But he didn't ask any questions, just wrapped himself around her.

"I didn't know where to go..." She said hoarsely between breaths, making him widen his eyes when he felt her feel heavier as she collapsed in his arms.

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