21 - Act Fool

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"Are you going to keep staring at me?" Y/N had to ask and sigh as Jungwon sat in the corner. She was supposed to work out and train so she could be ready, yet it seemed he was bound to annoy her.

"I'm not staring at you." He scoffed, eyes glued on the book he was reading. "I always come here to read, you're the one who's ruining my peace."

"Yeah, sure." She smiled, looking back at the mirror to flex her muscles. "Your book is upside down. I guess you're not really into reading, huh?"

Jungwon frowned, looking back at the book he wasn't paying any attention to, only to find it upside down. "For fuck's sake." 

"If you're mesmerized by my beauty, just say it." Y/N was indeed beautiful, he couldn't deny it. Her red hair was tied up in a ponytail and her toned, athletic body was a testament to her years of hard work and dedication.

"Oh yes, your beauty has left me completely speechless. I am so mesmerized that I have lost the ability to hold a book correctly. Truly, I have never seen such a sight before in my life." Jungwon muttered, making Y/N raise her eyebrow and smirk.

"Why, thank you." She scoffed.

"That was sarcasm-" Rolling his eyes, he sighed in annoyance. "You know you're an asshole, right?"

Y/N had things to do. She couldn't rest or relax when Bora and Ujin were out there, probably living their life without remorse. Her hatred and need for revenge were so strong, and that was the reason behind her determination.

And now, Jungwon was in her way.

"Jungwon," She calmly called before she approached him. "You know you're too loud, right? You're just like an empty can, both of you make so much noise. Do you get it now? You try to show a strong façade but you're just empty."

His heart dropped. No one had ever told him that, yet she said it without hesitation, and what hurt him more was the fact that she was right. Jungwon had a horrible life that left him empty indeed, and so he became as cold and mean as the world was to him.

Maybe Y/N just said those words without really thinking about it, but they hit him like a ton of bricks. 

Jungwon felt his face flush with embarrassment and his eyes filled with tears. All he wanted to do was crawl into a hole and disappear. He had always thought of himself as a strong person, but now he felt exposed and vulnerable. 

The thought that someone could see through his façade and see the emptiness inside him was too much to bear. He didn't know what to say or do, so he just stood there, feeling small and insignificant. 

The words replayed in his mind over and over again, like a never-ending loop of shame and humiliation.

"Say something," Y/N spoke again, feeling herself drown in guilt. "Don't make me feel like the bad guy."

"You... said it all." Jungwon found a response to everything everyone said. His replies were always sarcastic and unserious because he never really took people's comments to heart, but this one cut deep.

Y/N watched him walk away, a sigh escaping her lips before she ran her fingers through her hair and threw her head back. 

"Fuck it." She let out in frustration and threw the towel that hung on her neck on the chair before she followed after him. "Jungwon, stop it-"

"Oh, yeah?" When he turned around, Y/N just realized his eyes were filled with unspilled tears. "You want me to stand still and listen to you embarrass the shit out of me? Because that's what you did. I am only an empty can and I'm too loud for my own good, but you know no fucking thing about me." 

"What's going on?" Jake appeared out of nowhere, peeking at the two with worried, curious eyes. "Maybe the two of you can take a break, don't you think?"

Y/N rolled her eyes and walked back to the training room before getting back to working out. They were making a move on the Black Rose in a few days and she had to be the best. Bora would be excited to fight her. It was a fact and Y/N knew it.

And when the day finally arrived, Y/N stood in front of the mirror in Sunghoon's room while she fixed her black suit. She checked her weapons, making sure that each one was loaded and ready to use, strapping a belt around her waist, which held a variety of knives and guns.

The door opened and she could see Sunghoon's reflection in the mirror as he approached her. "Ready?"

Sunghoon was dressed in the same suit as her, yet it looked better on him. His muscles were bigger and all the training he went through paid off. Y/N had to clear her voice to hide her embarrassment before she nodded at him.

Yet he just looked at her, as if he was waiting for her to change her mind. He couldn't stand seeing guilt eat her alive, but he couldn't stand watching her ruin herself either. If she wanted to cancel the plan and take a step back, he'd stop right away. 

But Y/N was only willing to take steps forward until she gets her hands on Bora and Ujin. 

They would infiltrate the Black Rose's headquarters, steal their data, and destroy everything related to them. It was a risky plan, but they were all willing to take the risk to bring down the organization that had caused so much pain and suffering for her. 

"More than ever." She smirked, assuring him that she knew what she was doing. She would never bring Sunghoon and his team to their ruins. The organization could be intimidating, but it was led by Bora who could only fight. 

Her moves were predictable and Y/N memorized them all. Taking them down would be easier than they thought.

"Then lead the way, my lady." Sunghoon nodded, a knowing look on his face as he watched Y/N walk before him. He was going to do everything for that woman, even if it meant dying for her.

"Everyone," She called, making them all stand in front of her. "Mr. Kang's men are coming with us. The plan is clear, we're killing every single one of them today. And the most important part is, no one should kill Bora. You leave her to me."

"Understood." Sunoo smiled and jumped around, too excited. "It's been a while since we last went on a mission together. This is going to be fun."

"Sunoo," Jay looked at him in disbelief. "No."

"Let's go-" Heeseung spoke when he looked over at Y/N who was busy applying her lipstick. "Seriously? At this time?" 

"I might as well be the hottest out there while I kill half of them." The red lipstick stood out along with her red hair that turned heads wherever she was. "I know I'm hot already, I just want every one of them to see this red before they breathe their last breaths."

"That's my woman," Sunghoon spoke, clearing his throat and putting his hands in his pockets as he leaned on the wall and cocked his eyebrow. 

"I am." Y/N approached him, slightly tiptoeing to plant a kiss on his cheek, only to leave the red lipstick on his skin. "Now come on, let's blow them up."

Her smile wasn't that of someone who was scared the slightest bit. In fact, she was excited to meet Bora after all these years and kill Ujin right in front of her before she finishes her off.  The will for revenge was so strong that it showed in her eyes.

And they all knew. Y/N wasn't in danger. She was the danger. 

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