13 - You Hurt Me, Hurts You

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"You knew." Y/N stood inside Mr. Kang's office as she stared at him with glistening eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It would have been dangerous if I told you, Y/N-"

"You saw how heartbroken I was!" Her eyes widened when she raised her voice, but she was feeling betrayed. "You could have just told me he's alive! I was crying all night and you knew, was it fun watching me like that?"

"Y/N, you're angry and confused." He simply said, sighing. "Let's talk when you're calmer." 

"Knowing that you hid the truth about Haru from me... I don't think I'll be any calmer." She shook her head. "At least not until you explain to me what's going on."

"Y/N, dear," Mr. Kang looked at her, his eyes softening. "You know that if I told you about him, you wouldn't have gone to Japan, right?"

She clenched her jaw and ran her fingers through her hair before leaning on the wall behind her. It was frustrating because it was true, but she needed to know why Haru is still alive and why Mr. Kang had been keeping it from her. If Haru didn't tell her himself, she wouldn't have known about his existence.

"You know I loved him. You know I would have done everything for him."

"That's exactly why I hid the truth from you, Y/N. You know I only wish for your safety, I would never risk your life."

She gulped, looking down. "I'm... sorry."

"You're dear to me, Y/N. You're my only family." His words broke her heart because she knew how much love he had for her, yet she was just selfish. 

She just nodded, her head down low. "Can I know why Haru is living as Min Jun? Why is Mr. Seong faking his son's identity?"

"That's what rich families always do." He said, making her frown. "They fake everything. Happiness, wealth, power... even family. And that's what Seong did."


"He needed an heir. Min Jun was supposed to be the CEO but if he dies, someone else will be picked. Seong didn't want that." He scoffed, slightly shaking his head in disbelief. "When his son died, he didn't cry. He didn't seem sad, but he was definitely mad and angry because he had no heir to be the CEO. So I suggested Haru... you know his parents died, he had no one. But I'm regretting that."

She raised her eyebrows, staring at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"When Min Jun died, Seong told everyone that his son didn't die and that he was in a coma for a few years. Then he looked for the one who killed his son and killed him. Now someone from that side wants to take revenge on Seong and Haru might be in danger."

Y/N gulped, hoping that what she was thinking wasn't right. Or maybe she wished for it to be right. She didn't know. "That someone... was it the one who killed Chul?"

"Yes." He nodded, looking at her with sad eyes. "It wasn't Sunghoon."

"You know too." She sighed heavily, pointing at the cameras. "He has access to the system." 

"I know. I'm not changing anything so he can access it." She frowned at his words. "Look, Y/N, I don't think Sunghoon is the villain you think he is."

"I think I can give him a chance to prove me wrong." She said, eyes cold as she stared at the CCTV. "Otherwise, he'll always be a traitor to me. Even if Haru or you tell me he's not that bad."

"I understand." Mr. Kang nodded.

"Excuse me, I'll go back to work." She bowed politely and turned around to leave his office. It was ridiculous how nothing made sense. How everything was so complicated and twisted. She didn't know what or who to believe anymore.

"Having a bad day?" Mark spoke as he peeked at her from his desk. "Take it easy."

"Thanks, but I don't think I can do it with everything that's happening." She sighed, resting her head on her hands as she sat down. "Where are Ujin and Kwan?"

"I... I don't know?" He said hesitantly which made her frown. 

"How do you not know? Aren't you guys always together?" She scoffed when he shrugged and looked back at his screen. Sighing, she quickly looked up their locations when her eyes widened.

What were they doing in Seong's mansion? Something was definitely wrong, Sunghoon had access to the system so he knew where they were. And he wouldn't waste the chance to go after the three of them. Haru, Ujin, and Kwan.

But if it wasn't him the enemy, then would he not be there?

Looking back at Mark, she stared at him in confusion. Did he not know? How? "What?" He seemed clueless, so Y/N just stood up and got ready to head to Seong's place. She was afraid something might happen to Haru, but deep down, she was afraid she'd find Sunghoon there.

"I'm giving you a chance, Park Sunghoon." She muttered as she drove her motorcycle to her destination. She was hoping that Haru and Mr. Kang were right, that Sunghoon wasn't the bad guy. But when her gaze landed on his car parked near the place, her stomach dropped.

"Miss Kang, what are you-" One of the guards spoke as she stopped in front of the entrance gate. 

"I'm here to see Min Jun." She quickly said and he bowed, standing at the side to let her in. It seemed that no one was aware. She just needed to get to Haru and make sure he was okay. So, running inside, she made her way through the huge, long corridors and looked for him. Until she found him in the courtyard underground.


"Haru." He was sitting on one of the couches, his tie slightly loosened and his sleeves rolled up. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am." He stood up and walked to her with worry written all over his face. "What's wrong? Why are you panting?"

"I..." She breathed, looking around her. There was no one other than him and the place was silent, with no sign of any attack. "I was-"

"Y/N, are you here alone?" Haru's jaw clenched as he stopped in his tracks.


"Then we have some company." At his words, her eyes widened when some masked men showed up with their guns pointed at them both. "Shit."

Her heart started racing as she froze, glancing around her to see if she could do anything to escape with Haru. But nothing was possible, they were outnumbered and unarmed. "Who are-"

Before she knew it, the sound of shots fired made her widen her eyes even more as she stared at the guy standing at the door with his gun pointed at the others. She felt her heart drop when Sunghoon looked at her, his eyes narrowed.

"Park Sunghoon." One of the masked men said and she frowned at the familiarity of his voice. "You look awfully well for someone who's supposed to be dead."

"I'm not easy of a target, am I?" 

He wasn't alone, there were also the two guys she had met before and some more. Why was he even there? Haru pulled her behind the couch as she breathed heavily, taking out her gun. She didn't want to kill anyone, but if someone dared to touch her or Haru, they'd get killed.

Seong's men were rushing to the place with their guns out before they started firing at the masked men, and Haru shouted, "Don't shoot at Sunghoon!"

Sunghoon's breath hitched when someone pointed their gun at Y/N, but right then, Haru stood in front of her, taking in the bullet that pierced his stomach.

"Haru!" She gasped when he fell down and groaned, but before she got to crouch down to hold him, Sunghoon grabbed her hand and pulled her away. "Let me g-go! Get away from m-"

"Stop fucking getting yourself in trouble!" His eyes were glistening as he glared at her. "They'll kill you! Don't you realize that you're in d-"

Her hand cracked across his face, a slap that rocked him back on his heels. He put his hands on his cheek, more in surprise than pain. "Touch me again and I'll break y-your fucking wrist!"

With that, she wiped her tears and turned around in an attempt to run back to Haru. But the next thing she knew was Sunghoon firing his gun at her and the feeling of sharp pain surging through her arm as she collapsed on the ground.

"I'm sorry... but you make me hurt you."

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