16 - Who Did This To You?

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Sunghoon's eyes were wide open as he stared at Y/N while she lay unconscious on his bed. He couldn't understand how she came back to him, even though she had run away just a while ago.

He couldn't access their system anymore and that made his blood boil. So they managed to stop him from seeing what was happening back in the office so they could kill her without him knowing? It was a bold move, one that would cost them their lives.

Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair before slowly reaching for her leg, staring at all that blood forming on her wound. Without hesitation, he grabbed the first aid kit that he brought a few minutes ago and started treating her wound. 

He's been there before. He had been stabbed and wounded enough times to learn how to properly treat himself. Apart from that one time when Y/N shot him. It was painful, both physically and emotionally.

"Why is she so..." He frowned, his heart breaking when the tears in the corner of her eyes fell down her cheeks. He had no idea what happened and it frustrated him how much he was in the dark.

Y/N was an unpredictable mess and Sunghoon had no idea what she'd do the moment she woke up. Either throw a fit and lose control of her actions or stay silent, letting all her thoughts eat her alive until she couldn't bear them anymore.

"How is she?" Sunoo asked when Sunghoon stepped out of his room, slowly closing the door behind him.

"She's hurt and tired. Let her rest but let me know right away if she's awake." He muttered, resting his hand on Sunoo's shoulder. "And... thank you." A smile formed on his tired lips before they turned into a straight line. Then he walked past his teammate who just put a hand on the back of his neck and shrugged.

"You're welcome."

The place was big enough for seven guys to live together. There were rooms and offices and one big basement where they stored all their important items. And Y/N knew the place by heart since she had been practically living there when she and Sunghoon were together.

"What happened?" Jay, another one of Sunghoon's teammates asked as the latter stepped into the office. "We can't access their system."

"We will." He muttered, pulling his chair before he sat down and let his fingers tap on the keyboard. "If Ujin closes the door on us, we have to find another way out."

"I like that." Jay pulled up his sleeves, turning to the big screen in front of him. "I'm sure they made some mistake somewhere... and that's where we'll catch them. You know their tricks, you were one of them, after all."

"Yeah." He sighed. "I do regret that, though."

The office was silent for a while before Jungwon's voice echoed through the place as he made his entrance. "This is ridiculous. She gets away with everything she does just because it's your ex-girlfriend-"

"Jungwon." Nothing could trigger Jungwon's fight or flight apart from Sunghoon calling his name like that. 

"Okay, I'm sorry, it's just frustrating." He muttered, walking to his desk. "What happened, though?"

"It's Ujin's doing. I don't know what he did to make her cry like that but man, he's going to regret that so bad." Sunghoon uttered these words, his tone so cold and determinate. Then he frowned, grabbing his ringing phone before he put it against his cheek.

"Is Y/N with you?" Haru's worried voice was heard across the line and Sunghoon's frown deepened.

"Yes. Why do you-"

"They killed Mr. Kang." 

This single phrase was able to stop Sunghoon's world in a matter of a second. He felt his heart drop and his breath hitch. It was worse than he thought it was. So much worse.

"They poisoned his drink and attacked Y/N when she went back there. Please, make sure she's alright." Haru sighed. "She trusted you before you knew it, and that's why she went back to you. So please, be careful with her. She's so wounded, even if she doesn't say it."

Those words coming from Haru... Sunghoon knew it all way before he did.

"She'll be fine." He uttered curtly and hung up, wondering how Haru could find his number. But that wasn't important, because someone important in Y/N's life was just murdered and she had to go through all that pain alone. But not anymore. "They killed Mr. Kang."

"What?" Jay froze, widening his eyes. "How? Why- oh."

"They could have killed her too." Sunghoon let out a shaky breath as a shiver run down his spine. He had no idea what happened was that serious, and a part of him was guilty because he wasn't there for her.

Why did Haru know what happened to her before he did?

"Sunghoon," Sunoo's voice as he ran to the office interrupted his thoughts as he looked at him panting. "She's awake."

Without hesitating one second, he stood up and made his way back to his room, slowly opening the door to see her sitting on his bed and looking out the window next to her. "Y/N." He called. "Are you... okay?"

She was so calm one could say she wasn't struggling with her grief, but when she turned to look at him, her red-rimmed eyes told a completely different story. 

"Yes." Her answer was cold and curt, making it sound less believable than she intended it to be. But Sunghoon was stubborn. He'd get what he wants whatever way it is. It was the best thing about him and the absolute worst depending on the situation.

"They blocked our access to the system so we couldn't see what was happening at the time, but I heard about it from Haru." He spoke, his voice soft and gentle.

The burning sensation in her chest intensified as her eyes glistened, the tears threatening to fall. But she didn't want him to see it, so she turned her head to the other side, and the only thing seen was her red hair that fell on her shoulder.

 "Y/N..." He called again, taking a step forward. "Are you okay-"

"No," She told him, voice hoarse. "I am not okay. I am broken inside. I am broken almost all the way deep, and I don't know... I don't know if I can ever be unbroken, let alone okay again."

It took Sunghoon off guard how she just gave up and actually told him how she felt. 

"I'm sorry." It was the only thing he thought of saying.

"They k-killed him..." She broke into tears and he just stood there, staring at her as his heart sank down to the flour. There were only a few individuals Y/N tolerated and Mr. Kang was one of them. But he was gone. "I was-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Sunghoon pulled her into a big hug, the only hug that had ever made her feel like she was home. He squeezed her a little bit when she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight, sobbing on his chest as if there was no tomorrow.

"I will make him regret doing this to you, Y/N." He whispered, his arms holding her protectively. "I made a promise of protecting you and I won't break it."

Y/N rested her head on his chest and cried, knowing very well that she didn't hate him. Rather, she hated how much she loved him.

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