6 - Aching

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There she was, walking inside Sunghoon's hideout because it appeared that he never bothered to change his password, and she couldn't stop thinking about him. She was worried and mad at herself for pulling that damn trigger.

The place was quiet as she held her gun, ready to fight anyone who'd stand in her way. She was determined to find Sunghoon and find out if he survived or not. 

"What are you doing here?" An unfamiliar voice echoed through the hallway and stopped in her tracks, not turning around yet. She could hear him take a few steps toward her but she didn't want to move or turn and shoot him.

Although he could just kill her right then.

"Where's Sunghoon?" She muttered and she heard him scoff. "I'm not here to fight, but if you try and-"

"I won't hurt you." He said and that's when she turned around, slowly and carefully. 

His eyes were beautiful and dangerous, that's what Y/N saw first in him. He looked like the kind of quiet person who had so much going on in their mind, and Y/N hated that. She couldn't tell what his next move was. 

"I mean, I would if I could. But Sunghoon asked us not to lay our hands on you, not even the slightest. Otherwise, you would have been dead by the time you stepped inside this place. I've been watching you since you put in the password... now I know why he told us not to change it."

Y/N frowned. "What?" The fact that he asked them not to hurt her was understandable because he wanted to kill her himself. There was no other explanation. But the password? Why would he keep her birthday as his password?

"The urge to kill you right now is kicking in." He raised an eyebrow and one corner of his mouth lifted up. Dimple.

"Do it, then."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm loyal to Sunghoon. Unlike you." That hit hard, harder than it should have.

"I'm here to see him, not to listen to your bullshit."

"Too bad, you won't see him." He shook his head and smirked. "You shot him, why are you worried? Why did you even send his location if you and the other assholes want him dead?"

"That's none of your business," She said, loaded her gun, and pointed it at him. "Now enough talking, where's he?"

His expression as she pointed her gun at him was cold and his eyes were full of hatred. He wanted to kill her right then, but he remembered Sunghoon's orders and it frustrated him way more than Y/N did.

"Drop your gun." He uttered as his jaw tightened. "If you want to walk out of h-"

"Jungwon? What's-"

"Sunoo, no-"

Y/N sensed someone's presence behind her and before they knew it, she grabbed his arm and pulled him right in front of her, putting the gun to his temple. "Take one step and he'll die." She warned the guy called Jungwon as the guy in her arms shook like a leaf. 

"J-Jungwon?" Sunoo called and it almost seemed like he was crying. 

But right then, Jungwon's eyes widened and he froze when someone held Y/N's arm and raised it, only for the sound of a gunshot to be heard across the place and for Y/N to drop on the floor, unconscious.

She had no idea what happened until she woke up in an unfamiliar bed and quickly sat up. Frowning, she winced at the headache she had as she closed her eyes.

"It's been a while since I last saw you this vulnerable." 

The familiar voice made her eyes widen as she looked up at the man sitting across from her. She was about to snap at him when the sight of bandages around his torso made her forget how to breathe. At least he was alive and okay, although it seemed like he was in great pain.

Sunghoon was just very good at hiding it.

She didn't know what to say or do other than keep silent and hold the eye contact that he refused to break. His eyes weren't the same anymore, they were the coldest eyes she had ever seen before. She could see his jaw tightening as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"I..." I'm sorry for shooting you. Have a good day. She had no idea what she needed to say, so after a moment of silence, she put away the blanket off her and stood up to walk away, until Sunghoon grabbed her wrist and pinned her to a wall.

"I'm not expecting a sorry from you to me," He said, his grip tightening around her wrist. "I don't need it."

"Sunghoon, let go of me," Y/N said, no sight of joking in her features.

"I put up with your bullshit, Y/N, but you don't touch my people." That made her frown. "Curse me out, yell at me, hurt me, shoot me, but don't disrespect my people. Do you understand, Lee Y/N?" She just stayed silent, her lack of response not satisfying him.

"Am I clear!?" Sunghoon raised his voice at her and she frowned while staring at him in disbelief. 

"You care about them that much, do you?" It hurt her. She hated how he still could hurt her.

"They would never betray me. They are loyal and they believe what I say because I'm not a liar, Y/N." Ouch. "Jungwon could have killed you right then, don't underestimate him." 

"Why do you still have my birthday as your password?" She asked and his jaw clenched.

"Why did you shoot me?" Oh, that made her speechless. "Do you hate me so much you want me dead?"

"You frustrate me." She muttered and looked away. 

"Yeah?" He leaned forward until she could feel his hot breath on her skin, and before she knew it, his lips rested on the side of her neck as she closed her eyes and let out a gasp. 

"I... I hate you." Y/N said and he let out a low chuckle, and when she turned to face him, his eyes held no signs of joking.

"Because I'm your villain?" He asked, still holding the intense eye contact until he leaned closer to her and she closed her eyes. The corner of his lips lifted up. "I'm not going to kiss you."

Shit. She opened her eyes and stared at him in disbelief as she tightened her fists. "Fucking asshole."

"Why are you here?" Sunghoon let go of her, not taking his eyes off hers. But Y/N couldn't look at him.

"It was a mistake." With these words, she walked away and out of his room before stepping down the hallway and out of that place. Her heart was beating so fast and her eyes were about to brim with tears but she stopped herself from being so weak.

Coming there was a mistake anyways. Y/N hated him.

Making her way back to her apartment, she kicked the door shut and took off her jacket, throwing it on a nearby chair before she sat down on her bed and sighed. 

Laying down on her bed, she rested one arm on her eyes in an attempt to stop the memories from unfolding right in front of her eyes. And that attempt was a failure because before she knew it, she was imagining Sunghoon holding her in his arms under the warm rays of sunlight. 

Y/N would have never thought that he'd turn out to be her worst enemy. She couldn't kill him, but she wanted him gone. She wanted to have nothing to do with him because she claimed that she hated him but it was all wrong.

She hated him with every fiber of her being. With his sarcastic comments and devilish grin. She hated the way he made her knees go weak. She hated the fact that she hated him so much he was the only thing she could think about.

He was bad and annoying and she hated it all. Everything about him. She couldn't stand it.

But then again, there's a very thin line between hate and love.

✓ VILLAIN TO LOVE | SUNGHOONWhere stories live. Discover now