Soft twig

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we pulled up to a cute house that was Fairly big .

"are you ready for this ?" Alex smiled

"as ready as sponge bob for work" I giggle

"nice." Alex snorts and gets out of the car to grab my stuff .

Alex scratches the back of his neck and smiles
"so I told the boys I was going to adopt you yesterday and they decided to do your room up. long story short I have no idea what to expect. I told them you weren't girly and you liked good music."

"as long as I'm here I don't care what my room looks like." I smile

"oh and uh Cara wanted me to remind you to take your medicine ."

"ugh, that's what I've been forgetting to do ." I sigh

"I'll remind you from now on ."

we walked into the house and the boys jumped out and yelled
I giggled and jack ran up to me and grabbed me and spun me around .

"it's like hugging a soft twig ." he squeals

everyone looks confused

"she's very skinny like a twig but she's like cosy and warm ." he explains

"freak." rian mutters

"wellll . this is hazel lotus , and these are the dildos who did your room ." Alex laughs

"I AM NOT A DILDO ALEX." jack screamed

"we got help from Vic too ." rian smiled

my eyes got wide and Alex looked confused

"Vic as in pierce the veil Vic ?" I said slowly

"In the flesh ." a short adorable Mexican popped out .

"oh shit . oh shit . oh shit ." I said

"what wrong darling ." Vic said

"I'm just gonna walk outside for a moment ." I said and ran outside and screamed like a 4 year old girl .

I walked back inside and Everyone was laughing .

"sorry about that , I'm better now ." I giggle

"let's show you your room before you have another fangirl attack ." alex laughed

"being a fangirl is hard work okay ." I laughed and jack snorted

thanks for reading ! short update . I'll update later tonight . maybe leave comments and vote 😅. have a rad day lovelies

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