cute like cake

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I ventured to the park and saw him sitting on the same swing as last night.

"boo" I screamed behind him

"Jesus Christ hazel" he screamed

"Jesus doesn't have to do with the fact that I scared you shitless." I giggle

"let's walk to the mall aye ?" he smiled

"of course." I smiled

he interlaced out fingers and we walked.

once we got there we headed straight to hot topic .

"my people" I laugh
Max snorts and looks at me funny .

"what happened to your hair it was a different color last night ?"

"apparently jack and I can't read bottles. so we got the washes out with water kind." I laughed

we headed toward the band shirts and I sighed
"so many bands & so little money."

"agreed" Max snorted

we ended up leaving shortly and I bought
3 beanies
om&m shirt
ptv shirt
Harry Potter dress
supernatural shirt
tattoo choker

we went to get food and honestly I was just so content .

we were eating Chinese and Max broke the silence
"uh I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me? like to dinner and a movie ?" he said scratching the back of his head

"I would love to." I smiled

"you're adorable ." he laughed

"I try, I try."

"so I'll pick you up at 7?" Max asks at my front door

"I'll be waiting ." I smile

we decided to go see poltergeist after we went to some small Italian restaurant.

I looked at my phone 3:45
I had some time to kill .

"jack!" no answer
"Jackson!" no answer
"jackolanter!" no answer
"I have food!"

"I'll be right there!" he screams

laughing I carry my bags to my room

jack pops his head in my room

I laugh
"I figured you'd be hungry so I picked you up some Chinese. also can I go out with someone tonight at like 7 till like 11:30?"

"yay food. wait what ? is it a boy ? do we need to have the talk ? boys have cooties ." jack rambles

"yes it's a boy. no we don't have to have the talk. he doesn't have cooties, I promise. he also is very nice and I like him a lot."

"okay okay . I'll help you look cute like cake."

"I don't think I need help jack." I laugh

"girl I gotchu."

by now it was 4 and jack and I ate Chinese until 5 and then I started to get ready .

"whatcha wearing?" jack asks

"clothes." I state blandly

"ugh no no no . I am helping you ." he sighs

he looks at the clothes I have and spots the Harry Potter dress from my hot topic bag

"yasssssss boo yassssss" he mimicked a teenage girl

giggling I ran into the bathroom and put it on

he threw black doc Martians at me and told me to turn on my straightener .

"I never realized how fashionista you were jacky" I laugh

"gurll you have no idea" he laughs

I went to turn on the straightener and I came back and jack had a black scarf in his hand .

"this is Alex's but he's not going through his scarf phase at the moment so you're good"

he put it on and pushed me into the bathroom .

he straightened my hair and curled the ends of it with the straightener

"where did you learn how to do this Jesus Christ ?!?" I screamed

"I have 2 sisters . I know a lot ." he laughed

he watched me put on make up and then it was 6:15 so we went down stairs and Alex was sitting on the couch .

"uh hi..." he started

"what do you want ?" jack snapped

"it's okay jack I got it ." I patted his shoulder and he walked back upstairs

"your hair is normal again ..." he said

"jack and I accidentally bought washable dye." I laughed

"oh, are you going to dye it again?"

"no. I'm sorry for what I said last night , about you not being my dad."

"no, I'm sorry about everything I said . but I think it would be beneficial if you went and saw a therapist once a week. and after a month if you don't like it, we can stop."

"okay, I just want to be happy again and without all you I would never think that was possible."

"I love you halo."

"I love you too Alex "

"hey is that my scarf?" he laughed

"phhh no. uh yeah . jack told me to wear it?"

"why are you so dressed up?" he laughed

"I uh have a date." I looked at my feet

"What ? do I get to meet him ?"

"yeah I uh guess." I laugh

the doorbell rings

"my life is just one giant cliche movie" I sigh

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