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pc to me

I walked down stairs with tears in my eyes . how couldn't I see the struggle in her eyes . this is something bigger than me . I turned the corner and Vic pulls me aside .

"amigo what's wrong ." concern filled his eyes

"halo . she's just so depressed and I can't help her . please talk to her for me . I can't do this . I can't lose her . not another one ." I sobbed

"I got her bro it's okay . you won't lose her . " Vic smiled and walked upstairs

God I miss Tom I thought to myself and rubbed the rose on my hand . he would know what to do . he was the kind one .


huddled under blankets crying and thinking about everything I've fucked up when I here a knock

"oh fucking great ." I mumbled

"come on in ." I said sarcastically as Vic let himself in my room

"I heard you're having so troubles ." Vic offered a smile

"you have ears ." I retort

"listen halo , I don't quite understand all of your situation . but I understand some of it." Vic sighed

"oh great and mighty man enlighten me ."

"I've been depressed my whole life . I know what it's like to want to end your own life . to be so sad you physically ache . to want to rip yourself out of your own skin . to cut deep."

"I don't know what your talking about ."

"bullshit . I know about the meds. and darling I can see the few scars that linger on your wrist . where are the rest ?"

"you don't know me ."

"I know you hurt want to be understood and loved ."

"no no no . I just want to be alone." I screamed

Vic looked angry and startled and walked out of the room.

I won't let them in .
I sobbed until I fell asleep and dreamt of my life .

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