long story short max is a dick still

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I woke up with blurred vision and a throbbing head.

"fuck. where are you alex?" I whispered to myself starting to cry

a few seconds later I hear footsteps and I try to stop crying as he unlocks the door.

"hello doll. how's my darling? shit, have you been crying hazel?" he starts to panic rushing to my aid ignoring the fact the last time he was close to me I got knocked out

"leave me alone." I cried and started to shake.
in the midst of an anxiety attack I couldn't calm down.

"fuck what do I do ????" Max pulled at his hair

"let me go home you bastard" I stutter and cry

he walks out of the room returning with water

"next time you kidnap a girl remember if she needs her medication, dick." I mumble trying to calm down.

suddenly I felt tired

fuck he drugged me.

and I was out.


I'm running as fast as my legs can take me,
looking behind me hearing my name being screamed.
i scream for help and an man rushes to my aid as I made my way towards a gas station

"can you take me to the police department?" I asked the man and he nodded in return.

"get in" he said and we headed towards help

after I told the police everything the man dropped me home.

no one was there.

a for sale sign stood in the lawn and a note taped to the door.

"I gave up. -alex"

he gave up.

and I screamed and cried (end of dream) until I awoke with a thud landing on the ground,
seeing a concerted Max sitting in the corner of the room.

"I knew you were pretty shitty considering you kidnapped me, but watching girls sleep, whattta new low." I spit full of sarcasm

"haha very funny. you know I'd be nicer considering I'm the one holding you here against your will doll."

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