new & old

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* fast forwarding a lot bc yolo*
tonight was the last night of the tour.
home to all time low,
just another city to me.
but in just another city, I'd be meeting Alex's parents.
I'm a bit nervous.
alex assured me I'd be fine and they'd love me,
but I can't help feeling so anxious.
we arrived with the boys at Alex's parents house at 11 and we intended to eat lunch and talk a bit before we had to be at the venue at 4.

"breathe halo" Alex smiled and knocked o my be door and a woman who I'm presuming is his mom opened the door and embraced alex immediately.

"you don't come see me enough boy" she scolds him and playfully slaps him on the back of the head.

"you all aren't off the hook either boys, you're as much of my boys as alex is" she waved her finger and the boys turned a bit red before each hugging the smiling woman.

"and you must be the infamous hazel, you've been keeping my boys in line I hope?"

"yes ma'am"

"oh please darling call me Isobel." she smiled and embraced me as a man hugged alex and started yelling at jack when he knocked something over

"boy I've been telling you before you had armpit hair to watch where your going you little shit" he scolded the skunk haired man as Jack's face got red

"aHhhh and this is my granddaughter now isn't it" he smiled and hugged me

"hazel gaskarth aye, nice to be apart of this family isn't it" he winked and started talking to alex about if he was going to visit for Christmas as it was November

we sat and ate and soon we were on our way with promises of visiting and calling soon.

after sound check the boys were heading to a meet and greet and I decided to stay back because fangirls can be exhausting.

I was sitting on the stage watching seats and the lawn slowly fill up. I waved a few times & then I saw him.

the idiotic.
the stupid.
the moron.

he waved like nothing happened and I just shook my head.

then I felt a vibrate.

new text message

dick biscuit : meet me after the show I just want to talk once more.
I sighed decided what harm could happen.
I watched the boys play their  hearts out for their home town. but I saw out of the corner of my eye Max singing along and smiling which made my insides boil.
I decided to text alex and tell him I was going to go meet someone for a couple minutes after the show so he saw after he was done.
I started making my way to the side of the venue where id meet Max.

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