do you have herpes ?

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"HALOS BÆ IS HERE HALOS BÆ IS HERE!" jack screams running down the stairs .

he runs and opens the door

"why hello there." jack says in a deep manly voice

"holy shit you're jack barakat." Max's eyes got huge

"oh my god it's jack barakat!" Alex screams and tackles him

"and Alex gaskarth." he stuttered

"welcome to my family." I laugh

"you didn't tell me !" he laughs

"oh yeah, I was adopted by all time low."

"a little late now." he laughs as jack and Alex stand up .

"so what are your intentions with our halo?" Alex questions

"to give her aids ." Max said very serious

"wait what ?" jack screams

"no no I don't have aids . I like her a lot ." Max laughs

"do you have herpes then?" jack asks

"nope, I'm clean."

"good, good." jack scratches his chin

"well you two can go, have fun but not to much fun like...." Alex said

"OKAY, we're going now." I cut Alex off

"nice meeting you " Max said

"yeah don't make me regret making it nice. that's my best friend you got there." jack said

"I thought I was your best friend." Alex cried

"no Alex, your my biatch." jack laughed

"hey." Alex screamed and punched jack

I slammed the door and shook my head

"idiots, I live with grown men who think they're children."

"after you my lady." he gestured me to walk next to him

"gladly" I giggle interlacing our fingers

familiar tingles from earlier filled my finger tips .

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