you are my glue

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as we went to walk away and they started to pull max away i ran up to him,
i ran up to that slim boy with brown eyes that scared me & taught me.

"thank you." i nodded my head at him

"for what?" he looked puzzled

"for helping to teach me, that love is not hurtful, people are. loving myself is more important that loving you ever was and i'm glad you broke my heart so young and i'm glad you met me at the park that night. i'm just sorry you had to ruin it, and i'm not sorry you'll have to pay for it." i looked at him in the eyes for the first time since it all,
i could see hurt.
if it were for me or for himself i do not know.
but jack placed his hand on my shoulder and as he was pulled away, out the door jack whispered in my ear.

"boys break hearts. men help repair them."

"does anyone have some glue, we've got some fixing to do." i whisper with a sigh

and at that moment,
i knew how hard it would be to let go,
and how hard it would be to push away feeling for a man i couldn't have, but wanted so bad.
the same skunk haired man behind me.
the same man who was best friends with my dad.

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