you are not home.

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I walked to the side of the venue and a couple fans asked to take a picture and to follow them and we chatted for a little bit until Max walked up.

"hello" he smiled

"make it quick" I snap

"I think you should come with me"

"I think not." I laugh as a fan walked up and asked for a follow but I started to feel very skeptical about Max so I went into her phone and wrote down in her notes

"if anything happens take a picture of me and this boy as you are walking away and figure out a way to tell alex. I'm scared."

she smiled and nodded and walked away as I saw her out of the corner of my eye snapping a quick picture and heading towards security.

quickly Max grabs my arm harshly and I try to pull away.

I scream but no one is right here.

I see a car parked up and security running for me with the same girl trailing behind.
she quickly took a picture of the license plate from afar and security and running fast and soon everything is black.

I woke up in the backseat of a small car and Max was driving.

"good morning beautiful" he chirps

"oh shut the fuck up" I grit through my teeth

"tisk, tisk, no girl of mine is going to speak like that."

"well good thing I'm not your girl, ass hat" I smile sarcastically

"watch it" he mutters and focuses on the road

"where are we going?"

"North Carolina"


"because you're mine"
I didn't reply.

"I have to pee" I declare after 45 minutes of silence

"hold it"

"it's an emergency. I think I started my period." I lied desperately trying to think of a way to escape.

I notice I still have a sharpie in my bra from a signing and my phone is gone.

he pulled up to a gas station and I tried to open my door

child locked.


"try something and I'll end you." Max whispered in my ear as he pulled me into the store.

I went into the bathroom and wrote on the wall

"help. I've been kidnapped and Max is headed towards North Carolina. my father is alex gaskarth please help me."

I washed my hands and headed out and Max was standing in an aisle looking at chips.

"check the bathroom wall" I mouth to the clerk and walk to Max

"good girl." me smiles and I stare at the ground.

"I want to go home" I whisper

"we will be there shortly darling."

"you're not my home. nowhere with you is home." I close my eyes and am met with a fast slap to the cheek. tears prick my eyes and I step back.

he went to pay for gas and his chips and I stared at the cashier with pleading eyes and he gave me a sad smile.

I'm scared and I miss alex.

Adopted by Alex GaskarthWhere stories live. Discover now