thank you

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this is far after the epilogue was written, and isn't any kind of update on hazel & jack & what not.

thank you to this story, that helped me realize a whole fuckin lot about myself.

thank you to all time low, who have been there since i was merely 10 years old.

thank you to all of you, i have received more love than hate, more laughs than cries. you all are so beautiful and i'm always here if anyone needs anything at all, if you need a laugh, a friend, someone to vent to, anything.

there are better alternatives than bottling things up, and making poor choices as i have in the past.

i read every one of your comments and i mostly laugh, y'all are some funny mother fuckers.

stay strong and maybe there will be a sequel in the future ????maybe???? maybe it won't suck as bad as this did????

lastly, hold onto hope.
( also im writing more shit if you wanna check any of it out )

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