grow up or shove it m8

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as I was walking I felt like someone was following me.
so being the paranoid freak I am I called Alex.
"I'm walking to the park I need you to meet me there in 5 it's important"
"okay halp I gotchu "

suddenly as I began to walk on the mulch I was  spun around becoming face to face with no surprise... Max.
"hey..." I sighed
"why didn't you reply?" Max asked
"because I didn't want to." I mumbled
"we're dating I have the right to know"
I laughed "when did you become my parent"
"last time I checked you don't have any." Max snarled .
I gasped as tears filled my eyes and started hitting him as hard as I could
"you asshole, cunt, dick, bitch."  I screamed as Alex started running towards me.
jack pulled me off of Max and alex got in his face .
"I swear to god you little scrawny ass white boy come anywhere near my halo ever again. I will ruin you."
jack carried me bridal style and I soon fell asleep with quiet hiccups.
I woke up in Jacks bed surrounded by lots of blankets. the clock read 3:00 am and I wasn't tired so I decided to go get my laptop. I saw 21 missed Skype calls from Max & 67 new messages
"well fuck." I muttered closing out of Skype not even wanting to know what he said .
I logged on to my tumblr and scrolled through that until  the sun came up.
then being the nocturnal shit I am I went to sleep.
I woke up to the smell of pancakes and arguing loudly . God these boys.
on that note I ran down stairs to see the damage .

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