epilogue </3

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10 years later ----

i've just turned 27 and jack is 32, old right ?
ten years.
ten years since max
ten years since i fell in love with jack.
ten years since i learned to love myself.
we got married 5 years ago and our daughter is 4.

"mommy?" Elliott said inquisitively looking up at me.

"yes darling?" i booped her nose

"when's daddy going to be home?" she whined

"any minute pumpkin." i said as the door cracked open and she dashed for it

i could hear her being swooped up into arms and a fit of giggles from both parties.

"i missed you doofus" jack kissed her forehead and put her down coming towards me

"and i missed you too doofus." he smiles as he leaned over to kiss me.

"Go get your shoes i think we should go for ice cream!" jack screamed and elliott bolted upstairs.

"are you sure you want to do this babe?" jack sighed

"i'm positive. jack it's been along time, i'll be alright. if anything happens he's still stuck in there for 5 more years." i smile reassuringly at the same skunk haired man.

"i was thinking whipped cream on my ice cream" elliott smiled waiting for her dad to lace up her pink doc martians.

"i was thinking that's a GREAT idea" jack mimicked her voice sending her in a fit of giggles once more.

we got in the car and jack dropped me off at california's state prison, promising to be back in 25 minutes.

after waiting a couple minutes doors unlocked

"hazel barakat" a guard said blandly as i rose from my seat to follow this man to the source of everything.

there he sat, the same boy, just older. older and colder. i had goosebumps and i was nervous, but the fear of him no longer dictated my life. he looked confused when i sat down across the booth from him as i picked up the phone.

"hazel?" he looked lost for a moment.

"it's me."

"wow you've changed." he drank my appearance in like it would be the last time he ever saw me, and hopefully it was.

"10 years will do that to you." i chuckled dryly

"how's life out there?" he breathed in.

"fantastic, i married jack and had a child. she's 4 and they're the reason i'm breathing. they keep me sane." i smiled.

"jack huh. never pegged him as one to settle down." he laughed.

"i didn't peg you for one to kidnap and abuse a helpless, teenage girl either, but people change i guess." i replied with my words dripping with sarcasm.

"that's not fair hazel. that was ten years ago." he pleaded.

"it's not fair that you took me away from my life for so long. but life's not far max, and you should know that by now. the world doesn't own you anything. i came here tonight to thank you, not for your love. but to thank you for giving me something to hold onto. and something to cherish. i hold life so closely now. good bye max." i talked loudly as i saw jack approach out of the corner of my eye. i slammed the phone down and i smiled at him.

jack embraced me and grabbed my hand and turned around flipping off the same brown eyes boy that hurt me so many years ago.

"where's el ?" i asked

"with alex in the backseat. they're both asleep." jack chuckled kissing my knuckles

"thank you for being my purpose." i whispered as we walked through the parking lot.

the slight drizzle tickled my arms and jack replied "thank you for making me a purpose. without you i'd be just another musician with nothing but empty bottles."

he opened the door and i see the most important people in my life piled into one car. my beautiful daughter, blessed with her dad's kind eyes. alex, who adopted me when i was nothing more than paperwork and pills. and my jack, the one person in the world who makes me feel so incredibly beautiful, just by the way he looks at me. this is what i live for. this is why i chose life. i'm so glad i held on because after all this time i know i did have a purpose, and they're my purpose. i will spend the rest of my life holding onto them.

authors note ///

official end to adopted by alex gaskarth.
short & cheesy epilogue bc i can't right smut and i didn't want to ruin this more than it's been. i love you all and i'll be working on more stuff if you want to check it out !!!! thank you for sticking with me since early 2015 with this and the amounts of times i started over, i didn't plan on people actually reading this but it did catch quite a few people's interests and i actually cried writing this rn bc i'm just so sad it's over. i love you all and feel free to message me whenever but i love you alll !!!!!! so long babies. 💖

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