home is home with you.

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hazel pov-

today i get discharged from the hospital.
i get to go home.
home with alex.
home where jack walks in and doesn't knock.
where vic makes us food and curses at the boys in spanish.
where rian doesn't know how to play mario kart.
where i belong and feel loved.
tomorrow i have to go to court and see him again.
the boy who took everything away from me.
i will not let this stop me and hold me back from everything I've worked for.

"hey haze, what do you want for dinner tonight?" alex asked as we rode in the car home

"can vic come over and make his enchiladas?" i yawn

"yeah i'll call him up, he'll need to pick some stuff up because i haven't been home in awhile." he sighed

"is everyone coming over tonight?" i ask

"just jack and vic. rian is with cass and zack is launching something for his clothing line tonight. which reminds me, he got you some stuff from it."

"oh cool." i say as i start to fall asleep wondering about tomorrow

"HAZEL DINNER IS READY" jack screams running up the stairs to come help me.

"how did i get in my own bed what the heck" i say as jack carries me to the table

"i carried you up there, i figured i'd let you rest." alex said as i sat next to jack at the table.

vic placed a plate in front of me and my mouth was already watering.

"here's to my first real meal in forever." i chuckled digging in

"we have to be at the court house at 8 tomorrow morning, so go to sleep early." alex scolded me

"i'll be there for support haze." jack rubbed small circles on my back as my breathing started to quicken.

"it'll be okay darling. he's not going to see the light of day for a long time if we can help it." vic cooed as i tried to calm myself down

"we all love you very much halo." alex smiled picking up our plates.

"goodnight y'all. i'm going to go shower for the first time in months !" i exclaim and i hobbled toward the stairs

"good god thank you, you were starting to stink." jack laughed as i stuck my tongue out at him.

i forgot how much i love showers.
i love how there is no thought about what needs to be done and you just do it.
i got out and looked in the mirror,
taking in my appearance for the first time in 7th months.

my same fizzy red hair is now reaching my waste,
my green eyes look a bit dull,
my leg wrapped in a green cast,
my body's a bit skinnier than i remember.
but all and all,
i was still hazel,
and i was still strong and with that i went to sleep.

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