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after lunch with jack and dinner with everyone i sat down at the end of my bed and wrote.

"i am in love. not just with jack but with the world. i hope to become something bigger than me and bigger than all of this. i hope i can be everything i never thought i could be. jack makes me happy. so do all of the boys. i love them all. thank you whoever is up there, god, a big potato, whatever. thank you for blessing me with another chance. thank you for helping me hold on when i thought all was lost. 17 years of life and i'm still kickin ass. i miss you mommy if you can see me right now. i love you and thank you for pushing me back into reality. anyways, i hear jack coming up. goodnight"
i shut my book as jack walked into my room

"goodnight princess." he smiled kissing my forehead

"goodnight jacky" i giggled hugging his neck.

he left and alex soon followed.

"you're such a beautiful person and i'm so honored to get to be your dad." he smiled

"thank you for letting me have a second chance and thank you for being a dad for me when i've never known one before you. i would honestly probably be so lost without you. i love you." i smiled and a small tear ran down my face.

alex's thumb wiped under my eye and he whispered in my ear "i just want to give you the happiest chapter of your life you deserve."

The end.

OMG ITS OVER GUYS ?????? WHAT ????? THIS IS CRAZY ????? Anyone want an epilogue or something ???? i love you all so so much and thank you for being here for the journey of this, this was my first and only completed work and i'm so glad y'all stuck through rocky patches. :)))) xoxo 

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