The boy smiled once I told him my name but then, a needle was pulled out from my back and I screamed. I was holding Daniel's hand and I knew it must have hurt him when I squeezed it but, if it did, he didn't show it. I felt another needle being removed and more screams came from me. Tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn't stop them from coming down. The needle pulling just kept happening. Daniel held my hand the entire time and tried to soothe me but, it was pointless.
"Emily," said a voice which I could only assume to be Daniel's father. "I'm going to have to pour hydrogen peroxide on your back. I'm not going to lie, it's going go hurt like hell but I need to make sure that all the infection is out."
I nodded and waited on the pain that was going to come. Three seconds later my back was burning. I forced myself not to scream. These poor, kind people didn't need to know how bad it hurt. After a minute the man dried my back with a towel and then looked at my face.
"Let me take care of that arm now." He ordered kindly.
Slowly and carefully, he took my arm and touched it along the elbow.
"Daniel, go to my office and bring me the plaster." Turning to me he said. "Do you have a color that you want?"
I shook my head no. I didn't care what color it was as long as it made my arm stop hurting.
"Get a color too." He told his son.
Daniel walked out and when he came back two minutes later he was smiling. The man plastered and wrapped my arm. Then he put the dark blue color on it. He cleaned up and left the room. Daniel ran his hand slowly through my hair.
"You should rest. When your cast is dry, I'll have my mom or sister come help you bathe. Do you need anything?"
"No thank you." I muttered.
He pulled the blankets around me and then left. I was alone.
I woke up at about at about 6:20 and saw a young girl standing at the door smiling. "Hi, I'm Amanda, Daniel's sister. Do you want to try to shower?"
"I'm Emily." I told her. "Yes, if you don't mind."
I sat and stood up. I was in a lot of pain but I tried to keep it under control. We went into the bathroom that was connected to the room.
There was a huge shower, jet powered tub, double sink and a toilet.
"Do you mind if I pee?" I asked.
"No." she said smiling.
She helped me remove my pants because I couldn't get it off with my cast. She turned around while I peed. Then she helped me remove the rest of what was left of my tattered shirt which she threw away. Then she turned on the water and helped me into the shower. When the hot water hit my back, tears spilled down my face. Amanda handed me shampoo and helped me wash my hair. Then, she gave me soap and turned away while I washed my body. It hurt to move but it felt so good to be clean. When I was done, I turned off the water. Amanda grabbed a towel, helped me out of the shower, then made me sit at the stool by the vanity.
"How do you feel?" She asked.
"Tired. Thank you for helping me."
She ran a brush through my hair, working out all the knots until my dark red hair was smooth.
"How do you wear your hair?"
I hadn't done anything to my hair since my mama died. Before my father turned mean, he used to try to do something with it but, normally it was down.
"Down is normal."
She nodded and began to put my hair into a French braid. When she finished she helped me put on a clean t-shirt and sweatpants.
"The pants are mine but the shirt is Daniel's. Sorry they are both big."
At the mention of Daniel, I felt a blush come to my face.
"Do you like it?" Amanda asked.
I looked at myself in the mirror. My body was clean and I looked halfway normal.
"Yes, thanks."
She helped me back to the bed, giving me a super soft pillow.
"Someone will be up later with food okay?" She said.
I nodded and she left. Alone again, I fell asleep with the sent of Daniel around me.
Two hours later, the man who helped me earlier came in with food.
"Emily, it's nice to see you again. I'm Javis by the way. Didn't really get a chance to tell you earlier. How are you feeling?"
Javis looked like he was the same age as Amanda and Daniel. Although Amanda and Daniel could be twins, their hair was the big difference. Daniel had brown while Amanda had blond. But they had the same eye color. I decided I would file all this for later.
"I'm feeling better, thank you. And thanks for the help earlier too. I'll leave later."
Javis smiled and shook his head.
"I'm afraid with your injuries you'll need to stay here, or I can drive you to the hospital?"
I did not want to go to the hospital. That was one of the easiest places to find people and I knew my father would be looking hard.
"No, I'll stay here, just till I'm better."
He nodded and left. I ate the soup and slowly fell back to sleep.

Finding and Changing Emily
Про вампировWhen Daniel finds a young girl named Emily being abused outside her home in the woods, he steps in to save her. Instead of taking her to the hospital like he promised he takes her to his house where his dad then takes care of her. Slowly he begins t...