Chapter 22: Emily

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Let me recap as my life has changed so much. I've gone from being abused, to having Daniel save me, to finding out vampires are real, to getting kidnapped, to becoming a vampire myself all in three days. Hopefully, I could find some equilibrium now.
I was a little scared about going hunting. Amanda was excited, chatting my ear off as we ran through the forest. Would I really be able to kill an animal? Amanda stopped suddenly and pushed me in the direction of a herd of elk. I jumped, allowing my senses to take over. I bit in and allowed the warm blood to gush into my mouth. We were really close to my house. I wanted to go see my mom's grave.
I snuck away, running fast. It was pitch black outside and there was no lights on in the house except from my room. I snuck into the house through my window. My room was empty except for the things that couldn't come with me. I went into my dad's room. I don't know how I knew but, it had been a long time since someone had been in here. There was a rustling coming from the living room. I moved quietly and saw a shadow. There was a body on the floor with someone standing over it.
"Emily." The shadow said.
I knew that voice.
"Jordan?" I whispered.
"So you do remember. I stopped by to pay your dear old father a visit and I find him dead."
My father was dead? That couldn't be possible.
"Then I find out that not only is your dad dead by a vampire but, you cheated on me."
He moved quick. Shit, he was a vampire too. God bless it! I was screwed.
"You see, I don't like home wreckers." He whispered in my ear. He kissed the side of my neck.
"You know, I wouldn't do that." I warned him.
"Ahh, why not? Are you threading me?"
"No, I'm not afraid of you anymore. I'm stronger now. I'm mated." I told him.
The bracelet on my arm reminded me that he wouldn't be able to hurt me.
"Yes, your mate. Did he tell you he killed your father?"
Daniel wouldn't kill my father. I knew he wouldn't. He didn't enjoy killing people.
"Daniel doesn't kill people. He only kills bad vampires."
He chuckled, and began unbuttoning his shirt.
"I see. Well I believe that you and your mate need to have a talk. To bad it will never happen."
He moved and touched my face. I grabbed his finger and snapped it. He looked at me, dumbfounded. I took this as a chance and kicked him where I knew it would hurt. He cried out in pain and then lunged at me. I moved quicker and pushed him to the ground. I smashed his face into the carpet, and blood came from his nose. Then, I bit into his neck, drinking his blood. He cried out as his blood source was leaving him.
"I'm not your toy anymore." I whispered. He took his last breath and closed his eyes.
I suddenly realized that I had just killed someone. Yes, Jordan was horrid and deserved death but I didn't need to be the one who inflicted it. I ran from the house, deep into the woods. I stopped when I reached a body of water which after jumping over, thank god I didn't need to swim, I kept running until I came to a small town. I was starving and there was a small diner on the side. I walked in and sat down.
"Hey cutie, can I have some fries with that shake?"
I turned and flashed my fangs.
"Sorry!" He muttered.
I turned back to my table and opened my menu. When the waitress walked by, I ordered two cheeseburgers, fries and a chocolate milkshake.
Did Daniel really kill my father? I didn't believe it nor did I want too. Daniel told me he would never do anything to hurt me. Was that I lie? When my food came, I downed it in about 6 minutes. I was still hungry but I wasn't sure I wanted to order more. Maybe some blood would help with my cravings. I turned, paying the restaurant with the money that I had in my pocket and then left.
I went back into the woods and saw a human wondering around. He was bleeding and I was thirsty. I moved towards him and climbed a tree. He was studying his wound.
"I know how to make that better." I said.
He looked around but found nothing. I jumped down from the tree and landed on him.
"Who are you?" He asked me.
"I'm here to help you. What happened to you?" I asked.
"I was shooting a deer and well, if you can believe it, I hit a tree and the bullet car back and shot my stomach."
"I'll make the pain go away." I told him.
I bit into his neck and began to drink. His blood was warm and rich. Way better that the animal I had eaten earlier. I drained him and looked at him. I felt horrid. I had killed another human being. I turned and ran, tears were covering my face but where I to ran to, I had no idea.

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