Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-

Percy paces around the Poseidon cabin trying not to let his mind wander, for the last three months that's all he has been doing, not letting his mind wander. This is a task extremely hard for any person with ADHD, being a demigod who has seen and been through what Percy has been through it just that much harder. The war with Gaea ended five months ago, the first two months were starting to get better until the incident. Percy has been working overtime for the last few months doing extra work for the gods and Chiron enough so that the gods have decided to let Chiron confide in him some the of the secrets he swore never to tell, of course Percy had to swear never to tell them to. Percy knows of other beings that roam the earth some with lives similar to a demigod. One species, I guess you could call them that, Wizards or Witches, blessed by Hecate decades back, stuck in his head. Percy has spent the last week investigating them, something to keep his mind off other things and most of the time it works.

"Percy!", Nico di Angelo shouts "Chiron wants you to go to the big house". Percy was to busy trying to block out his thoughts to hear Nico so of course when Nico didn't get a response he shadow travelled in. Startling Percy Nico is pinned against the wall with a sword to his throat within seconds of his entrance. Nico swallows, "I think your ADHD is getting worse you didn't hear me call out did you?". Percy backs up and caps Riptide.

"Yeah I kind of noticed it to". Every since Nico 'cleared the air' the two of them have grown pretty close, Nico now dates Will Solace, they are the Aphrodite campers favorite 'ship'.

"Chiron wants you to go to the big house ASAP".

"Okay I'll talk to you later!", and with that he sprints to the big house. Nico shakes his head, Percy has changed, he tries to cover it up but anyone close to him can see it. He has been working himself to the limit, his physical appearance has even changed some, Percy is now taller and leaner, he runs faster and his swordsmanship is x10 better than before. Percy feels the need to perfect everything he tries, he even started trying to read more. When Percy arrives at the big house he hears an unexpected voice, his mother.

"I never wanted him to know about that world, Percy will try to help anyone in need you know that as much as anyone else who spends even the shortest amount of time with him".

"I know Sally but it is his choice and you know the chances of it skipping two generations is very unlikely, and even more unlikely because of his fathers blood". Chiron tries to reason with her.

"I just want to protect him from this one thing, I was unable to protect him from being a demigod but I can protect him from this, please don't do this".

"Sally, he has to know and choose himself, If not when he finds out he will learn to resent you for taking the choice away from him. Don't you think his life was controlled enough as it is".

Percy having heard enough enters the big house. "Hey guys, what's going on?"', Percy never failed to notice the old man with a long beard sat at the table, he's wearing robes, odd.

"Percy I was just telling your mom about a quest offer for you". Chiron shoots a glance to my mom.

"Percy I have to tell you something", she pauses seeming to build up her confidence "When I was 18 my parents kicked me out, you know this but I never told you why. Percy they were wizards, and I was a let down, I am not a witch they call people like me a squib, I can see through the mist but that is it. When I had you I promised myself I wouldn't introduce you to this world because I knew you would already have the hard life of a demigod. The chances that you aren't a wizard are extremely slim, but I still hoped you wouldn't be one. When you were growing up you showed signs of being one but I was in denial and blamed it on your fathers blood. But when you were 11 you got mail inviting you to go to Hogwarts, I declined for you-"

"That wasn't your choice to make mom".

"Percy I was going to tell you I promise you that but a couple months later you were introduced to the world of a demigod and I didn't want you to have to carry the burden of being a wizard to, so I kept it to myself. Your life has only just started to calm down and Percy you deserve to have a normal peaceful life, you don't have to fight anymore you can rest go to Camp Jupiter and college, fall in love". Tears were streaming down her face by this point.

"Mom", Percy said softly, "you know I cant do that".

"I know Percy, it's in your nature", she sighs and gains her composure, "alright Dumbledore tell him your offer".

"Hello, my name is Dumbledore", the old man turns to Percy smiling, by his features he does this often.

"Percy Jackson", Percy extends his hand. They shake.

"I have a proposition for you Percy".

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