Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

3rd Person POV

The next day all the demigods, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George boarded the Argo III.

"Percy!", the Stolls called in greeting.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?"

"Why we came to accompany Clarisse," they say at the same time. "No Hephaestus campers could stand being near her so long." They grinned. The Weasley twins gaped at them. "Newbies?" The Stolls grinned at the wizards.

"Yeah, this is Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George."

"Twins!" The Stolls and Weasley twins said at the same time.

"This is not going to be good," Jason mutters.

"Not at all," Percy agrees. "George, Fred could you give the Stolls the coordinates for Hogwarts." They nodded excitedly and scamper off.

"What have you done," Ginny complains. Percy grins in response. "I'll go make sure they put in the right coordinates."

"So," Jason inquires. "What are we going to do?"

Leo gasps, "I have the best idea. Let me make sure the demigod dis-attracter is set up and then I'll bring it in to you. Go to the meeting room and wait for me." He shoos them off. Nervously, the demigods and wizards head to the meeting room.

"This ship is huge," Hermione says.

"If you start talking about the design I will lock you in a room with a Athena camper." Percy laughs, but stops abruptly. Remember Annabeth, he would've given anything to talk to Annabeth, to hear her talk to him about the design of something, or the architecture.

Jason pats Percy on the back, "Us to Percy, us to." Everyone missed Annabeth they all would've loved to see her again. They all sit around the meeting table and waited for Leo. After a couple minutes Leo comes in the meeting room, Buford the table following close behind. On Buford was multiple tubs of Ice-cream, Leo was carrying some as well, along with a few game boards.

"Okay, I have monopoly, Apples Vs. Apples and Sorry. We are going to start with Monopoly, and while playing these board games we will be eat.. Drum roll please... ICECREAM. This is our only shot at being normal teenagers that are hanging out. Teenagers on a flying warship mind you, but teenagers all the same." Leo grins. His mood is infectious and soon everyone else is grinning like fools to.

Percy end up sitting between Thalia and Jason, so every time he done something bad to them, sometimes when he didn't do anything at all they shocked him. Every time someone was about to do something Piper didn't want them to do she'd 'very politely' say don't do that. Within an hour everyone was screaming at each other about something.

"You cheated!"

"Leo! You are the worst banker ever! STOP BURNING MY MONEY!"

"I'm going to gag you Piper!"

"Hazel stop moving the pieces!"

"Eat a pinecone!"


"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" Someone snarls from the doorway. The demigods and wizards all turn to the voice. Clarisse stands in the doorway, hair disheveled, stinking like fish, covered in feathers. "I SPENT DAYS, DAYS WITH THE STOLLS! I'M SICK OF PEOPLE! AND FINALLY WHEN I GET SOME PEACE BECAUSE THEY FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO YOU GUYS WAKE ME UP FROM MY BEAUTY SLEEP!"

"Beauty sleep?" Percy snorts, "If that's the case go back to sleep Clarisse."

"Shut up, Jackson. I'll pummel you and you know it."

Suddenly Harry gasps, "Ginny is still with the twins, what have they done." All of them stand up and run around the ship looking for Ginny and the Stolls and the Weasley's. Little did they know this was exactly what the two sets of twins wanted.

—One hour Later—

All of the passenger, excluding Ginny, the Stolls and the Weasley twins, were covered in mustard and ketchup, feathers, and they all had their feet stuck to the floor and the main deck. Ginny, the Stolls and Weasley twins were up by Festus laughing their heads off.

"Ginny!" Harry shouts, "How dare you go to the dark side!"

"I'm sorry," she hiccups. "You took way to long to notice I was gone. This is my pay back." She grins.

"Percy this is all your fault!" Jason shouts, though he's grinning. "You made the Stolls and Weasley twins friends! You set us up for disaster."

"I ask very humbly for all of your forgiveness." Percy mock bows his head.

"Not granted!" They all chorus. Then have a fit of laughter.

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