Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

The second Harry's wand fell into the lake outside I was up and out of bed. "Ron I think Harry's in trouble!" I shout before running out of the room, and heading for Harry. With the months I've been pushing myself I can run much faster then the average demigod. But I still feared that I couldn't get to Harry fast enough. When I got out of Hogwarts and out into the open air I finally had my sights on Harry, five figures were surrounding him. One was much closer, and much angrier looking then the rest.

Without a second thought I took out Riptide, uncapped it and threw it towards the one closest to Harry. One of the other figures saw my sword almost to late and sent a spell at it before it could hit the one closest to Harry. Riptide followed Harry's wand into the water.

"Get away from him, you ugly.. mudblood!" Hermione was after telling me that mudblood was a really insult to wizards, since I didn't know what else could offend him I said the only word that I knew would make him angry.

The figure in front of Harry turned to me and raised his wand, to bad for him I was ready. Whatever spell he cast at me I deflected, once or twice I got one in myself, but he was good, too good. By now Riptide was after returning to my pocket, my sword seemed to be one of my only advantages. I tried to communicate with Harry to run, but instead he was trying to find his wand in the water. The water.

With all this wizarding stuff I forgot about the water. Concentrating I felt the familiar tug in my gut and the water had pulled Harry under. I put a air bubble around him so he can continue looking for his wand. Voldemort still hadn't noticed Harry was gone when I sent a huge wave over him and his followers. When the water vanished all of Voldemort's followers were knocked unconscious, while Voldemort was still conscious he was on the ground coughing up water.

I willed the water to bring Harry back up, he popped up with a gasp. Which was completely unnecessary, but still I couldn't blame him. "Harry go inside and get Dumbledore!"

"I'm not leaving you out here alone with Him!"

"Harry one of us has to go, I cant leave you alone with him, just go get Dumbledore I have this handled." Harry nodded grudgingly, and turned to run to Hogwarts. I watched him go into the castle safely, and sighed, there would be a lot of questions after this whole ordeal. I sigh and go to turn around when I hear Voldemort yell, "CRUCIATUS!"

In seconds I'm on the ground writhing in pain, I try to stand. When I raise my eyes to Voldemort's face he is clearly surprized, before I could turn around to stop her one of Voldemort's followers hits me in the back of the head and I fall into oblivion, listening to high pitched laugh of the women.

When I finally wake the pain is gone, but I'm tied to a chair. It would be easy enough to get out of, but I have no idea where I am to and it would be hard to get out of a place that could be crowded with wizards. So I wait for someone to come. It's kind of hard to sit still with ADHD so I occupy my time by slowly untying my ropes and tapping my foot. When the ropes are finally untied I still sit as if tied up, my foot tapping wasn't enough to satisfy my ADHD so I decided to start humming.

The door to the room I'm in finally opens, and I women walks in. Presumably the one that hit me in the head. I raise an eyebrow.

"Stop with that insistent foot tapping and humming," she snaps.

"Only if you ask nicely," I smile as sweetly as possible.

In reply she smiles slowly, cruelly, and take out her wand. Pointing it at me she says, "Who are you?"

"Why, it's upsetting that you don't recognize me," I frown like it's really troubling me.

"How should I know you," she spats.

I sigh and look around as if she isn't worth my time to talk to, "I'm your worst nightmare."

"Cruciatus!" She bellows. For a couple seconds I feel the pain again. But the pain stops. "Who are you?"

"Who's asking?" I gasp.

"Your worst nightmare," she drawls.

"You don't want to know my worst nightmare," I grin.

"And why is that?" A new voice questions. Voldemort had apparated into the room, I guess he's trying to impress me.

"'Cause they're scary," I say innocently, or as innocently as possible.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" Voldemort rasps.

I roll my eyes, "Moldy-shorts?"

"I AM THE DARK LORD" He hisses.

"Should I be cowering?"

"You are making a terrible enemy boy," the women says coldly.

I sigh, "Wouldn't be the first time, it's kind of a habit."

"We have you captive, you will tell us everything you know."

"Probably not."

"Then we'll have to take the information from you." Voldemort grins evilly. "Legilimens!" And all of a sudden my memories are the first thing on my mind. I know that he's in my mind and I cant do anything to force him out. So I'll make him want to get out on his own. Every monster, every terror, I've every had to face. I concentrated on them all, Tartarus was obviously the center of it all, from the acidic air to facing the Tartarus himself. Within seconds Voldemort was on the floor holding his head.

"No, no, no, NO!" He scream. "Stop it. Make it stop. It's terrible. Get it out of my head." The women runs over to him.

"My lord," she rushes, concerned. "What is it?"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Voldemort yells. The building starts to shake, an earthquake? How is that possible. I don't feel the familiar tugging in my gut when things like this happen, it wasn't coming from me. I look at Voldemort in horror, he somehow siphoned some of my powers

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