Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, the belong to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

Percy's POV

I try to think of the easiest way to tell them, pacing around the room with everyone watching me. I presume that they are trying to guess what I'm about to say. "What do you know about Greek Mythology, and please if you know some names don't say them around me."

"I know a little." Says Severus.

"Great, I'm sure all of you had to of heard about Hercules, Theseus and maybe even my name sake Perseus. They are all heroes, they are all Half-Bloods, Half-Bloods or Demigods are the children of the gods with mortals, or muggles. I'm a Demigod, my father is Poseidon god of the sea, Earth shaker and storm-bringer. You should know that the life of a Demigod is the most dangerous life I know of-"

"More dangerous then Voldemort?" Sirius didn't seem to believe that possible.

"Voldemort is nothing compared to most of my enemies, he needs a stick to even be able to do anything. My enemies are the Earth and all of its elements itself, literally."

"The Earth?"

"The last year my friends and I were subject to the newest great prophecy, seven Half-Bloods shall answer the call, to storm or fire the world must fall, an oath to keep with a final breath and foes bear arms to the Doors of Death. Our enemy was the goddess of Earth, Gaea."

"You said the newest great prophecy, was there one before it?" Asks Severus.

I laugh without humor. "That one was the year before, after world war two, which was between the children of the big three, the children of Zeus and Poseidon on one side and the children of Hades on the other, after that the swore on the river Styx, the most serious oath you can make, to not have children because they were to powerful and because of the prophecy. It goes like this, a half-blood of the eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds, and see the world in endless sleep, the hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap, a single choice shall end his days, Olympus to preserve or raze."

"Percy how many years ago was this prophecy fulfilled?"

"About two."


"This prophecy, it's about you isn't it?" I nod, "then how are you alive?"

"When I first went to camp, the only place safe an Earth for half-bloods or so we thought anyways, there was a guy Luke he was nice to me, he helped me, taught me, I trusted him. He was pretty much the leader of the camp, everyone trusted him, but two girls I was friends with were brought to the camp with him, one of them was turned in to a tree but the other made it there," I pause and take a deep breath, don't think about her, "on their way to camp they made a promise to each other that they would always be a family and the boy, Luke, gave her a dagger. When I got to camp, before I was claimed by my father, a hellhound attacked me. Now this wouldn't of been a big deal because demi-gods are monster magnets but the camp has a barrier that monsters cant get through, so someone must have invited it in. I probably would've died that night if I wasn't next to a creek, after that I was claimed and everything rushed after that so I didn't have much time to think about who invited it in. I went on a quest and found out that Kronos was rising, he was controlling Ares the god of war, I thought that Ares was the one that set it all up but I went back to camp and Luke invited me out to the woods. He tried to kill me, turns out he was the one that orchestrated it all, my use was up, rather then starting a war I stopped it. When Luke betrayed the camp he also betrayed Anna- the girl that he went to camp with, doing this he broke the promise. Luke was the hero that died and the dagger was the cursed blade."

Everyone seemed to be processing this. "The girl was turned into a tree?" This was from Mrs. Weasley, I guess her mother instincts kicked in and she felt bad for Thalia.

"Yeah, you know where I told you that the big three swore on the river Styx," thunder rumbled, "to never have children again." They nod. "The gods couldn't be punished, so instead their children were, Thalia was turned into a tree and I was a pawn since I was 12."

"Thalia was a daughter of?" Inquires Severus.

"Zeus," again thunder rumbled, I just roll my eyes.

"Poor girl," says Mrs. Weasley.

I bust out laughing. They all look at my strangely. "That 'poor girl' would fry you like eggs if she heard you say that."

"She's alive?"

"Yeah, my second year at camp we retrieved the golden fleece because Luke poisoned the tree, she came back and now she's a hunter of Artemis, she's immortal."

"This is a lot to process." Mumbles Sirius, rubbing his temples.

I shrug. "Thought you would've already known about the gods, your kind do originate from them."

"What?!" They all say at the same time, pretty loudly.

"You guys didn't know?" I frown, "Your founders were just blessed by Hecate goddess of magic, she favored them because they helped her one time."

"Okay, I've definitely heard enough for one night," Sirius gets up to leave and everyone follows.

"Wait," says Severus, "you said that your like a monster magic, we haven't seen any."

"There has been I killed a few, nothing big, and you wouldn't see them. The mist covers it up, if say a hellhound came, you guys would just see a dog. I can manipulate the mist and show you what it really is if you want, but I wouldn't want that if I were you, I have a friend that was mortal and could see through the mist she often thought that she was going crazy, until she met me that is."


"Think of it like a veil, it makes the mortal see what they can handle, when I was 12 before I found out I was a demi-god I pushed a girl into a fountain using my powers, the mortals thought I only pushed her with my hands."

"Okay, I'm calling it a night," Sirius walks upstairs to his room, everyone nods in agreement and starts walking up to.

"You've been through to much for someone your age," Mrs. Weasley says sympathetically.

"You haven't even heard the worst of it." I mutter under my breath.

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