Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters.

3rd person POV

The next morning when Harry and Mr. Weasley get back from the Ministry of Magic Harry is in way higher spirits, he is going back to Hogwarts, he wasn't found guilty of under age use of magic.

When they announce this at the table, while everyone is eating, Percy doesn't glance up from his blue pancakes just nods in acknowledgment.

The order has been starting to get used to his odd behaviour, they were even warming up to him, trusting him. Percy seen this and decided he was going to tell them the truth of who he is tonight. Hogwarts starts in 4 days and they need to finish up their shopping before going back so that only leaves 3 days to tell them anyways.

"Okay, everybody tonight I'd uh like to make an announcement?" It sounded more like a question.

"Okay," everybody chorused, Sirius just looked at him knowingly.


Percy starts to get up about to go for his usual run, "Percy why don't you take Ron and Harry with you?" Mrs. Weasley asks.

"But mom-" Ron protests but Harry just groans in defeat knowing that Molly wont give them a choice.

"I'm not sure if that is such a great idea," Percy frowns, "not at all really."

"We can keep up." Harry replies defensively, thinking that Percy doesn't want them along because they'll just hold him back.

Percy sighs resigned. "That's not what I meant," he mutters under his breath, but just shrugs, "they can if they want."

"Great, I don't-" Ron stops seeing the glare he gets from his mother and Harry.

"We'll go," says Harry standing up.

-- Half hour later --

"Blimey Harry he hasn't even broken a sweat," Ron shakes his head in wonder while trying to catch his breath, while Harry just glares. Percy is a little ways ahead looking around, as if looking for someone that might jump out, waiting for Harry and Ron to catch their breath and start running again.

"He isn't human." States Harry.

"Of course not he's a wizard, a good one if Dumbledore recruited him and Sirius trusted him to take you outside."

"I don't think he's a wizard either, I think he's something else."

"Of course he's a wizard," replies Ron. The tow of them are whispering thinking that Percy wont be able to hear them then, but he can.

"He guys!" Percy calls out to them, "There is a lake just right there that I usually stop at for a bit, we can go there and take a longer break if you want." They nod and start running after Percy.

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