Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling

Harry POV

Percy and I are making our way to Professor Umbridge's office for our detention, neither of us are talking. Percy is whistling and rolling a pen around his fingers, he looks rather practiced at it.

"Why do you always have that pen in your pocket?"

Percy shrugs. "One must always be prepared."

"To sign your signature?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

He sighs, "Why do you carry a wand around with you all the time?"

"To defend myself if, I need to."

"So it comforts you to have the wand with you at all times right? Makes you feel safe, that's how I feel about Riptide."

"You named your pen?"

"Yeah," Percy rolls his eyes. "Who doesn't?" I'm about to answer that nobody does, and that a pen doesn't really offer much comfort but we arrive at Professor Umbridge's office.

"You ready for this?" I ask Percy.

"As ready as anyone is to face a toad for an hour," I snort and Percy chuckles. Percy knocks.

"Come in."

Percy raises an eyebrow. "How welcoming." We go inside the toads office.

"Hello boys, sit." We both sit, Percy is plops down in his chair and starts to put his feet up on her desk, I stifle a laugh when Umbridge glares at him and he raises his hands as if he's innocent and blinks really slowly. "You both know why your here. Today I want you to write some sentences for me." She directs us to some desks and gives us both a sheet of paper, I am about to take out my quill but she stops me. "Oh no, you can use mine." She smiles a slow, sadistic smile, and gives me and Percy a quill each.

"I want you to write 'I will not tell lies'."

Percy huffs. "Lies, right."

"How many?" I ask.

"Until the message sinks in," again that smile.

I write the line on my sheet, and glace over to see Percy doing the same thing. Which is surprising I didn't expect him to do anything through the full detention. I'm about to start my second line when my hand starts to burn, the pain is terrible. The words that I had written were starting to carve themselves into my hand. I look over to Percy, the same thing is happening to him. He seems far less concerned.

"Anything wrong Potter?" Umbridge asks.

"No, Professor," I grit out.

Percy is at his desk drawing, clearly unconcerned about the punishment. When the hour is up Umbridge gets up and walks over to my desk, seeing my lines she nods. "I hope the message has sunk in." I swallow my retort. She walks up to Percy's desk. "What is this Jackson." She seethes.

"It's my drawing of you," Percy grins. He holds up his drawing. It's a toad, a very graphically drawn toad at that. I start to laugh but Umbridge turns her glare on me, which isn't scary but i'd rather not have another detention, so I start to fake cough and shrug like 'What can you do.'" Umbridge takes his drawing and rips it. "I would be upset right now if that drawing wasn't etched in to my skin, I'll be sure to wear short sleeves tomorrow, I'll flaunt it around school. Maybe even add your name to it," Percy air quotes, "'Umbridge, in her earlier days." He cracks up laughing at himself, Umbridge is looking at him like he's crazy.

Percy abruptly stops laughing, and stares Umbridge in the eye. "I think you'll regret what you done to Harry this detention," then grins again, looking at me. "Come on Harry we have studying or whatever to do." He hands Umbridge back her quill like it's a chalice and she's royalty, then walks to my desk, picks up my quill and tosses it at her.

I follow Percy out of Umbridge's office, dumbstruck. Percy's emotions were all over the place in that room, when we were far enough from Umbridge's office I couldn't help it. I bust out laughing, Percy did to.

"Oh, gods," he says trying to catch his breath. "Her face." He then breathes deeply as if it'll help him stop laughing, and it does, for a few seconds. He glances at me, and starts laughing again. "It's times like these when I wish I took Leo up on his experiment phone offer, getting a picture of that would've been the best." He states when he finally recovers. I look up questioningly.

"I'll explain later, we really do have to get back and do homework. Probably put something on your hand so it doesn't cramp up over night." We walk to Gryffindor commons, with a mutual enemy, which makes kind of makes us friends.

The next day classes were much easier to get through, Percy and I got along much more easily. When Hermione and Ron shot me questioning looks I just shrugged. Later that day Hermione wanted to go to the library, Ron and I didn't want to go but she never gave us much choice in the matter. We asked Percy but he downright refused,  "Just be careful and try not to get into trouble." With those parting words we left and went to the library.

"Harry, do you trust him now?"

"Yeah, I think I do. He's not a bad person, just different and a little weird." Ron shook his head, agreeing. Hermione still looked a little wary, but didn't continue with the topic.

"I read the whole defense against the dark arts book. Harry, the ministry doesn't want us to learn any defensive spells."

"Why the bloody hell not?"  Ron exclaims.

"They think Dumbledore will use us as weapons against them, an army."

"That's crazy," Ron and I say at the same time.

"I know that, Fudge is just paranoid."

"We cant do anything about, we cant go against the ministry." Ron sighs.

"Yes we can," Hermione says excitedly. "We just need a teacher, someone who has seen the dark arts first hand." She glances at me.

Slowly I understand what she is trying t say, "You want me to teach them."

Hermione nods. "They think I'm a nutter. Hermione, it wont work, they wont listen to me."

"Harry," Hermione sighs. "They don't think you're a nutter. Just give it a try, please Harry. They need you, we need you." Slowly, I let out a long breath, and nod.

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