Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

3rd Person POV

"'Mione get that bloody cat away from me!"

"Ron she isn't doing anything to hurt you, so stop!"

"It's evil! Pure evil, keep it away from me."

"Stop being such a wimp."

Harry tries to block his two best friends out, they have been arguing non-stop for days now, the order is gathered at the Black house waiting for Dumbledore to show up apparently he has some news. Harry has been hoping that this news is good for a change rather then bad as it usually is, he has been listening to the voices down stairs for hours though threw the floors it only sounds like mumbling you can hardly pick out what the order is saying and they consider the kids to young to being in there conversations so they were sent upstairs. Abruptly the conversation stops and the door opens, Hermione and Ron are to busy bickering to notice.

"Someone just got here." Harry gets up and runs down stairs to see professor Dumbledore stood in the porch with a teenage boy, with raven black hair, sea green eyes, tan skin and lean build. Harry is to busy trying to figure out the boy to notice the rest of the order approaching behind him.

"Everybody this is Percy Jackson, the newest member of the order."

"Hi," he waves awkwardly with a shy smile.

"Lets all go in the kitchen, Percy must be starving, and it'll be easier to do introductions in the kitchen."

Harry leads the way in to the kitchen the with Hermione and Ron following. Percy hesitates for a second then follows them in. The adults of the Order stay behind to question Dumbledore.

"Who is he?"

"How do we know if we can trust him?"

"Why is he here?"

Dumbledore raises his hand for silence. "Percy and I will answer all of your questions when we get in the kitchen," and with that he walks away ignoring all of their protests.

"Percy, dear, what would you like?" Mrs. Weasley asked gently.

"Uh, have you guys eaten yet?"


"Blue pancakes?"

"Of course," If Mrs. Weasley found this odd she didn't show it, Percy instantly liked her.

"So Percy where are you from?" Mr. Weasley asks.

"New York"

"That's a long ways away, why are you here?"

Percy pauses to think. "I'm here to help in the war efforts, I think the more people willing to help Harry at Hogwarts the better."

"That doesn't explain why Dumbledore choose you," says Sirius, shooting a glance at Dumbledore.

"Percy here is an excellent wizard and I believe that he could help a great deal. He is trustworthy and brave, and he knows what he is doing," Dumbledore pauses, "I need to be going now, Percy your stuff is up in your room when you are done eating I think you should start studying," his eyes twinkle mischievously, "If you need anything Severus here will be more than happy to help," a snort from Harrys direction, "everybody if you could please finish the introductions." Then he leaves.

Percy takes out Riptide, in pen form, and starts twirling it around his finger, lately it has become a habit of his.

"Well my name is Percy Jackson, you all know that by now, my mom is Sally Jackson, she's a squib and I don't know who my father is he was lost at sea I haven't meet him before." Percy looks up as if he's praying.

"Harry Potter."

"Hermione Granger."

"Ron Weasley."


"And George"

"Weasley." The twins say in unison hoping to get a reaction from Percy, but he just nods like it's normal.

"Severus Snape, but you will call me Professor Snape because I will be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher." He glares expecting Percy to make some sort of come back but Percy just nods and smirks a little, obviously thinking of Nico who is the definition of dark arts.

"Alastor Moody or Mad-Eye Moody." Percy suppresses a laugh at that.

"Remus Lupin."

"Nymphadora Tonks, just call me Tonks."

"Arthur Weasley."

"Molly Weasley."

"Sirius Black," He said somewhat reluctantly, Percy smirked.

"Seriously why so serious, Sirius?" Everyone laughed except Snape who cracked the barest hint of a smile and Sirius who looked downright furious. "Sorry," Percy says after gaining some composure. "the tension in this room was very thick I had to break it, sadly it had to be a bad pun to do the trick." Percy shrugs like he had no choice.

"This is a war of course we're tense." Sirius was really living up to his name.

Percy frowns and cocks his head to the side. "This isn't just war this is life and you should live it while you can." By this point everyone is quiet, Percy quickly notices and smiles and shrugs then digs in to his pancakes that Mrs. Weasley places in front of him.

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