Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

3rd Person POV

When all the demigods got back to 12 Grimmauld place they were greeted happily. "Percy!" Harry shouted. What surprised everyone, Harry included, was when he threw his arms around Percy. The orders eyes widened in shock, clearly no one expected this to happen. "You were supposed to have the situation handled not get yourself kidnapped." He states.

"Yet again, sorry, next time I'll try not to get Kidnapped." Percy rolls his eyes, and pats Harry on the back like they're old friends. "I think it's time I tell you the truth, the whole truth." Percy says. "All of you the whole truth. Demigods and the order included."

Jason frowns. "What are you hiding from us?"

"The reason I haven't recovered from.. the incident yet." Percy casts his eyes down. "When the seven were asked if they wanted immortality all of you but Annabeth and I said yes, Nico, you did to. Annabeth and I wanted to live the rest of our mortal lives normally, when she d-died I wasn't recovering. In fact, I was slowly dying. The fates, they came to me and told me it wasn't my time yet. I told them I would try to recover but that wasn't enough." Percy pauses and takes a deep breath. "They made me a minor god, they made sure I couldn't die." Percy laughs humourlessly. "They are nothing if not effective. I can never die, I can never be with Annabeth again."

"Percy," Jason says sadly. "You should've told us."

"Wait, if you're a god how are you on this quest, and why couldn't you just poof out?"

"I'm the god of demigods, believe it or not. A couple other things too, and I'm not sure if the Olympians know if I'm a god, if they do find out they might not let me interact with you guys so much." Percy shrugs. "I don't use my god powers because it could alert them to what I am."

"How would they not know?"

"I'm not sure if the fates told them that I was being made a god, or maybe they do know but they are just turning a blind eye," Percy sighs. "I hope they are just turning a blind eye because they will find out eventually." Percy pauses. "Anyways lets get to the reason that I told you, I'm not sure if it's just a god thing or demigods to, but Voldemort siphoned some of my powers."


"What!" The demigods and wizards all shrieked.

"I don't think he knows that they came from me, and it only lasted a couple minutes. Like I was saying it could be just a god thing, or it might be immortals only, but he used the powers I had as a demigod. So, I could only assume the worst, him and any other wizard could siphon powers from any demigod or god. If the Olympians find out I don't know what they'll do."

"We have to tell the Percy, you are only a minor god, and a young one at that. If Voldemort happens to find out the powers were from you, and what you are, all demigods are in danger. Imagine him getting his hands on a Olympian, the order and every other wizard on this side wont stand a chance against him." Thalia states.

"I know," Percy says softly. "I just wish I knew how they'd react."

Thalia laughs. "You know how they will react. Zeus will have a tantrum, Poseidon will try to calm him, Athena will try to reason, Dionysus will most likely be sleep, Ares will want to kill them all, Apollo will be listening to music, Hephaestus will be lost in thought thinking about the next thing to build, Artemis will try to get Apollo to pay attention and likely defend the wizards, Hera will try to make them seem like a happy family, Demeter will be offering them cereal, Aphrodite will be creating a tragic love story for a wizard and demigod or something and Hermes will be arguing with George and Martha. If they do something that we don't like you'll make them mad, and we'll save your but somehow or another and we will find a compromise."

"You're right Thalia," Percy says. "Lets wait until Harry goes back to school, I'll escort him and then Nico and I can shadow-travel to the empire state building."

"When is Harry going back to school?"


"Why don't all of us go on the Argo III, sort of like a re-enactment." Leo suggests.

"Sure," Percy agrees. Then turns to Harry, Ron and Hermione, "How would you guys like to go back to Hogwarts, on that train or.. Wait for it.... Our warship, with a fire breathing dragon head on the front?"

"Warship!" They all exclaim. Percy grins.

"It's settled then."

That night Harry is restless and finds Percy downstairs with glass of water, sat at the table twisting Riptide, in pen form of course, around his fingers. "Hey, why are you up?" Harry asks him.

"Nightmare," Percy replies. He's clearly relieved to be able to tell the truth whenever he wants. "You?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"A lot to take in right," Percy smiles sympathetically.

"To put it nicely," Harry grins. "So what's the real story about that?" Harry indicates to Percy's pen.

"Riptide?" Percy grins. "Watch this." He uncaps the pen and it becomes a full sized bronze sword.

"Woah," Harry says, eyes wide.

"Woah is right," Percy agrees. Then recaps Riptide.

"The reason you asked us to go on the Argo with you, is it because we wont see each other again?"

Percy looks down. "I don't think you will, the gods will see it as to much of a risk. They'll see it as to much of a risk. For a long time the Romans and Greeks didn't get along at all, every time we crossed paths there was a war. The gods thought that keeping us unaware of each other was the best thing to do. We only found out about each other about a year ago, and even then the gods we mad. They were kind of out of it for a while because we were at war with each other. Only recently did we start getting along and that only happened because of a common enemy. Well that and the seven of the prophecy, four of us were Greek and three Roman. Anyways what I'm trying to explain is that if the gods think you guys and us shouldn't be mixed together they will do everything in there power to separate us. So, yes I think that tomorrow may be the last time we see each other."

"I think," Harry thinks for a minute. "I think I'll miss you. We may not of gotten off on such a great start but you're a good person and I'll be sad to see you go."

Percy smiled, "I think I'll miss you to." What Percy didn't say is that he didn't think Harry would remember him anyways.

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