Chapter 4

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Percy POV

After eating my blue pancakes, that were amazing, I told them I was tired and wanted to do some studying before I went to sleep. A year ago anyone would've scoffed and rolled their eyes or made some joke about my studying habits, but I have changed and if studying could save lives then that's what I'll do. I still hate studying or reading anything school related but it is a good distraction from life and this wizarding stuff is pretty cool. I start reading the defence against the dark arts books which Dumbledore, thankfully, has in Greek. Dumbledore told me that underage magic is against the wizarding law so it's kind of a bummer that I couldn't practise the magic that I was reading about until I got to Hogwarts.

After I got through a quarter of the book I was to exhausted to read any more so I decided to call it a night. Of course since recent events sleeping didn't come easily so I woke up 3 in the more gasping for air and covered in cold sweat. This has been happening for weeks so I just follow my usual routine, get dressed and go for a jog. I had a route that I used every morning but since this is my first morning here I have to make a new one, closing my eyes I concentrate on the nearest lake and start jogging towards it.

-- 3 hours later --

Making my way back to 12 Grimmauld place my brain starts to wander, from what I've seen so far Annabeth would've loved the architecture of the wizarding world, it was a great experience going to Diagon Alley with Dumbledore even if it was to go shopping. I could almost hear Annabeth commenting on- Stop thinking about her I chide myself, breaking down in front of the Order was not something I planned to do.

I arrive at 12 Grimmauld place and enter the house, the adults are in the kitchen talking about me. Shrugging I enter the kitchen but no one seems to notice.

"Why would Dumbledore send a child to us?" Sirius asks.

"All of Dumbledore's actions are justified, and you guys were here yesterday there is clearly something off about the kid." Severus says. By now Percy has made his way over to the counter still un-noticed and picked up a apple inspecting it.

"You're right I don't trust him, none of us have a reason to trust him." Percy takes a big juicy bite out of his apple, everyone turns to him startled, some with their wands out and pointed at him.

Percy frowns. "I know this might sound suspicious because we all know the bad guys would say this but you can trust me, you said you have no reason to trust me but you also have no reason not to trust me."

"H-how did you get in here?" Mr. Weasley stammers out.

"Sorry, I forget how quiet I can be without even trying."

"We do have a reason to not trust you, as we were saying you seem suspicious." Sirius states boldly.

I laughs. "If people went by what you seemed like they'd be allowed to kill you on sight, you are known for being in and being the first person to escape Azkaban if a recall correctly."

Sirius glares. "I was wrongly accused of murder."

"And I'm being wrongly accused of being untrustworthy."

"Wrongly accused? Where were you this morning?"

"I went for a jog, need to stay fit if I'm going to be protecting Harry."

"Harry doesn't need your protection," Sirius hisses at me, "You are just a child and probably aren't have the wizard he is."

"Harry needs all of the protection he can get and your are most likely right, Harry could be 10 times the better wizard than me but that doesn't mean a thing if he's under attack or someone gets killed in front of him and he's to traumatized to protect himself or if his friends are in danger and he's to worried about them to protect himself. Who do you think is going to protect him when he is protecting everyone else? He needs people around him willing to sacrifice everything for him and this war, and I am that person I will make the hard decisions and I will make the sacrifices whether it be mine life that I'm sacrificing or someone else's."

"Have you ever sacrificed something? You are what 17? Do you even know what a real sacrifice is?" This is where I draw the line, all of a sudden anger explodes out of me. The house starts shaking and everyone is looking around for the source.

"I have sacrificed everything, my life, my family, my friends, my hope, m-my love." After the last word leaves my mouth I collapse on to the ground, just as suddenly as the house started shaking it stops. Breath in, breath out. Breath in, Breath out. I think to myself, hold it together don't think of her don't think of her last words, don't think of her dying. Don't think of Annabeth.

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