Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

3rd Person POV

"What is wrong with him?" Mrs. Weasley asks.

"He seems to be have bad dreams, I'm guessing he has PTSD," Severus answers. Percy is sweating and thrashing around in his sleep, every once in a while he'll say things, names. Luke. Annabeth. Beckendorf. Every death he blames himself for.

"What could've been so bad that it could cause this?"

"I have a feeling he left out a lot of stuff when he was telling us his story," Snape replies, Mr. And Mrs. Weasley nod in agreement.

"When I walked in he was talking to some other kids, they made Fred and George look innocent. It was like they were in the mist and were having a two way call, but could see each other." Mrs. Weasley frowns, he works with the Ministry of Magic and his specialty is enchanted objects, he'd never seen anything like this before.

"Someone so young shouldn't of had to do what he's done, I don't understand why he'd join the wizarding world in the middle of another war, it makes no sense." Mrs. Weasley also frowns.

"You're right," they all jump at the sound of Percy's voice, "I didn't tell you everything, but it would hurt me to tell you just as much as it would hurt you to hear everything. It's better for us both if you don't make me tell you. And to answer your question about why I joined you guys in the middle of the war is kind of a hard to explain to but I'll try. All Demi-gods have this thing called a fatal-flaw something that we would die for or destroy the world over, most powerful Demi-god's fatal-flaw is pride or power, my friends was hubris, she thought she could remake the world better. Mine on the other hand is loyalty, I am loyal to no fault, Athena the goddess of Wisdom and battle strategy told me I would destroy the world to save a friend. It almost happened, I wouldn't of let my friend Leo sacrifice himself if Annabeth hadn't needed me at the moment to." Percy deflates at her name. "I'm sorry about what happened, I should've warned you that this could've happened if I start remembering some of the worse parts of my life."

They stare at him transfixed. "Is there anything else you think you should tell us?" Mr. Weasley asks.

"Water usually helps with the flashbacks, if that happens again try pouring a bucket of water over me or something," Percy grins, "just make sure you keep your distance, I'm very cranky and unpredictable when being woke up."

"What have you done before?"

"Dislocated my cousins shoulder, probably would've been worse if there weren't so many shadows around, Jason and Thalia took the task of waking me up from then on, they usually shock me or something" Percy's eyes brighten at the thought of his cousins, "And Piper, she could make me do anything by simply asking me." Percy gets up from bed and grabs the glass of water on his nightstand, drinking it in one gulp. "How long was I out?"

"A couple hours, it's 5 in the morning."

"Best I've slept in months," mumbles Percy, "alright then, I'm starving. I'm going to get something to eat." Percy leaves the room.

"I want to know what he is hiding," Mutters Snape.

"We all do," Mrs. Weasley replies, and all Mrs. Weasley can do is nod. They head down to the dinning area, Percy is already sat at a table eating pancakes, eggs and bacon. Severus leaves without a word. Mr. And Mrs. Weasley sit at the table with Percy and order something to eat to.

"So, you joined us because you felt loyal to us?" Mr. Weasley asks.

"Yeah," Percy pauses, "and because ever since a couple months ago I've been doing everything I can to keep my mind off of certain things. It's just easier this way." He shrugs, "even if didn't and Voldemort," the Weasley's glance around uneasily, "somehow manages to defeat you guys the Demi-gods will have to get involved anyways. He was created by a god, and the Demi-gods always have to clean up there messes." Thunder rumbles, "It's true." Says Percy glaring at the roof. "Voldemort wouldn't of stopped at the wizards, he'd go for the mortals once you guys were out of the way and the Demi-gods are all that stands in the way between the mortals and the gods creations, along with a few other groups to I guess. Gods cant directly get involved in mortal affairs, the fates wont allow it, unless of course they have to be there, like with the giants. And I think if the gods could get involved in this war they'd just kill you all and be down with it." Again thunder rumbles, "when they saw me as a threat they repeatedly voted on weather to kill me or not, and I'm only one person. Who's not trying to control the world."

"They would do that?" Mrs. Weasley asks incredulously.

Percy shrugs. "They would vote on it, not sure what they would decide. Hecate, the goddess that blessed you, isn't an Olympian so she wouldn't get to vote at all."

"And you accept this?"

"There's nothing I can do about it, I don't want the gods to be overthrown, the only people willing at the moment is the titans and I've met some of them. They aren't usually friendly, especially to people they think are under them, which is pretty much everyone in there eyes. The gods rule is the best of heard of so far, I may not always agree with them, okay hardly at all, but they aren't all bad. Just a little misguided at times," Percy sighs. "I've had years to be angry at them but honestly if they tried to change fate they would pay, no one wants to mess with the fates."

"The fates are people?"

Percy shakes his head, "No, but they look like three old women, if you saw them they'd have wool and scissors." Percy shivers, "they are some of the first things I seen from the Greek world. They snipped a sea green yarn, I thought it was my death they predicted for 4 years, until my 16th birthday." Percy frowns, "but apparently it's not my time yet." Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny enter the dining area.

"Why are you guys awake so early?" Ron mumbles.

"Couldn't sleep", "Woke up early", "Getting your stuff ready", they chorus at the same time.

Harry frowns disbelievingly, "When are we leaving for the train station?"

"In two hours so hurry up and get ready." Mrs. Weasley tells them.


They eat and scramble off, Percy already had all of his stuff packed and ready to go. Once everyone is done packing, though Ron had to be scolded by his mother to finish, two hours was up, and they were ready to leave. When they arrived at platform 9 and 3/4 and the Weasley twins just walked straight through the wall Percy frowned and muttered "That's new." The Weasley's were expecting him to gasp in shock or for his eyes to widen.

They walked through and the kids boarded the train. "I have a feeling that they are in good hands." Mr. Weasley says, Molly nods in agreement.

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