Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

3rd Person POV   

As Harry, Ron, Hermione and Percy walk to class the golden trio keep shooting Percy suspicious glances. Percy notices but doesn't comment, he's trying to figure out what made them this wary of him so suddenly.

"I met him before didn't I?" the question is rhetorical, "Harry, you called him 'death eater prodigy'. I'm guessing he didn't remember meeting me?"

"He's going to remember now." Ron states.

"Why is that?" Percy asks, confused.

"Uh, because.." Ron looks to Hermione and Harry for help.

"Because he thinks your a part of our 'little group' now, so he called it." Hermione answers quickly, it's clearly a lie, and Percy picks up on this.

"Okay," he says disbelievingly.

"Percy you go on to class, the three of us have a, uh, errand to run," Harry changes the subject.

"I should come with you."

"No," Harry says a little to icily, then concedes, "we're safe inside the castle."

"Okay, just be careful." Percy says, then walks away, presumably to class.

"We have to tell Dumbledore." Harry states once he thinks Percy is out of range. The three run to Dumbledore's office, once in front of the gargoyle they takes turn guessing the password. After 10 minutes they get it right and head up to see Dumbledore. Harry knocks.

"Come in." They walk in Dumbledore's office, "Ah Harry, Hermione, Ron, what is it you need?"

"Professor Dumbledore, sir, we think Percy is a death eater?" Dumbledore raises his eyebrows.

"And why is that?"

"He has a dark mark and he has secrets, lots of them. He acts so strangely, it's weird." Hermione answers.

"And his friends are odd to," Ron pipes in.

"Did you by any chance ask him about the mark?"

"No," they say at the same time.

"I'm sure all of you have secrets to, am I right?"

"Yeah," they chorus.

"And I'm sure you to have odd friends," Dumbledore frowns, "Percy you can come out now." Percy walks out from the corner of the office, Nico has started to rub off on him.

"The tattoo is of a trident, and some lines under it, not a dark mark. I'm a very private person, but I assure you that Dumbledore knows everything about me that he needs to know, and yeah my friends are weird, we're all really close and we don't try to hide who we really are when we are around each other." Percy shrugs, "It's all pretty explainable if you ask me."

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