Chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

3rd Person POV

Later that day Percy and the wizards said good-bye, only Percy and Harry knew that this would most likely be the last time they saw each other but they didn't mention it.

"Harry, you have a lot ahead of you, good and bad, I want you to know that you aren't alone. You have friends and family that love you and they will be there for you no matter what, don't push them away I know it feels like you shouldn't put them in harms way but that is their choice to make not yours. Don't give up hope, you'll win this war I know it. Besides," Percy grins. "The gods wont let some puny nose-less wizard take over the mortals, they'll send in the demigods if push comes to shove, and you don't want to see what a bunch of angry demigods would do to the death eaters. They'd be so furious that there was another war the death eaters wouldn't stand a chance." Percy grins, imagining Clarisse and Reyna, a very unlikely pair that happened to become very close, Clarisse shouting the worst insults she can at the death eaters while she pummels them, Reyna at her side trying to remain as serious as she can with Clarisse at her side. "You guys have the advantage, you are fighting for a purpose you believe in. Most of Voldemort's followers only follow him out of fear and cowardice."

Harry nods, "I know, and thank you Percy, for everything." Percy smiles at Harry and turns back to the Argo III. The trip to the empire state building consisted of the demigods, fighting, yelling, laughing, awkward silences after Leo's terrible jokes that only he laughed at and the Stoll's pranking Clarisse, who in turn beat them up. When they arrived at the empire state building the tension was thick.

"Are you guys ready for this?" Percy asks.

"Common Kelp-Head," Thalia rolls her eyes. "This is hardly the worst you've been through."

"True," Percy concedes. "But the stakes are so high Thals, what if we were wrong and Zeus just decides to smite them all. The good wizards included, the only truly consistent thing about the gods is their inconsistency."

"I know Percy," Thalia sighs. "But we have to do this, it's the right thing to do."

"If there is anything we can do we'll do it Percy," Jason grins. "The odds have been against us plenty of times before, and it's not like this wouldn't be the first time you angered them. You did send them Medusa's head."

"And your birth also angered them." Thalia added.

"They also thought you stole Zeus's lightning bolt," the Stolls say in unison.

"And against a lot of protests they didn't smite you," Frank pipes in.

"And you argued about keeping Bessie," Thalia says.

"Mt. Saint Helens didn't explode on it's own," Leo grins.

"Turning down godhood," Clarisse adds.


"Okay, Okay I get it. I've been on their bad side my fair share of times, in my defence most of you had to, AND it was always an accident." The demigods raise their eyebrows. "Most of the time it's an accident."

"Well what are we waiting for!" Leo smirks, "Gods to anger, moldy-shorts to wash and/or smite." Leo charges ahead of the demigods and asks for the 600th floor.

"We need to get him medication or something," Percy mutters. They all grin and follow Leo, who lit his hair on fire to get a key card for the 600th floor. They all enter the elevator, and to all of their amusement "Sexy and I know It" is playing, "Guess they took my advice to change the music," Percy laughs. Leo is dancing, if you'd call it dancing, half on fire in the corner of the elevator. Needless to say everyone else is on the other side of the elevator, staring in horror.

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