Chapter 5

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Sirius POV

Percy sits on the floor for 5 minutes holding his head breathing deeply, taking one last deep breath he gets up. "I'm going to start studying." He walks upstairs silently.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron yells from the stairs.

Everyone looks around seeing if anyone can answer the question. "We have no idea."

"That would've been a hard spell to do but he didn't even have a wand, it's like the ground responded to his emotions," Snape frowns, "It's not possible."

"There is something suspicious about that boy, and I intend to find out."

"Sirius you are pushing the boy to hard," Mrs. Weasley speaks up for Percy, "if Dumbledore brought him here we can trust him. If there is something different about him Dumbledore would've noticed, he wouldn't of trusted Percy if he didn't know what was different about him. Maybe if you stop pushing him so hard he would tell us too, no matter how old or mature he acts he it still only a child and he wants to know if he can trust us just as much as we want to know if we can trust him."

"Dumbledore should've at least told us that he was different then we would've expected it, but he is a mystery to all of us."

"What could he be that allows him to do such a thing?" Severus muses.

"I say we wait until he is ready to tell us himself," Mrs. Weasley looks to each of everyone nods in agreement, except me.

"He may never be ready, and he is not going to that school with my godson until I know."

Molly just shakes her head resigned to trying to change my mind. If the boy doesn't tell me what he is then Dumbledore will. I walk up to Percy's room and knock.

"Come in," he calls. I look around his room while I walk in, there is many more books then there should be, his clothes is still unpacked.

"I need you to tell me what you are," I state. Percy stares at me coldly, it takes all my will not to step back up, though I do flinch and my hand goes to my wand. Percy sees this and his eyes light up with amusement for a second before becoming cold again.

"You wont trust me until I tell you will you," He looks at me expectantly, I shake my head no. He sighs, "Dumbledore told me not to tell anyone until I had all of your trust but I'll never have yours until you know will I? Can you do a spell so they cant hear through the door?" His voice slightly raises at the end so that whoever is outside the door hears.

I turn around and point my wand at the door, doing the spell in my head. Turning back to Percy I see him lost in thought.

"I'm not going to tell you everything because you don't need to know everything until the others are ready to know, I would like if you kept this a secret until I'm ready to tell them to," he looks at me expectantly, I nod, "What do you know about Greek mythology?"

"You mean like the gods of Olympus, Zeus, Hades and Hecate?"

"Yeah," Percy glances up nervously, "you shouldn't say their names like that." He mumbles. "The gods are still around, you know the old stories about gods coming to Earth and having children with mortals or muggles, and we get heroes like Hercules and Theseus." I nod again, "these people are called demigods or Half-Bloods, I am a demigod."

I look at Percy confused. "Yet you are a wizard?"

"My mother is a squib, sense it was a god that blessed your founders my fathers blood brought out my powers, honestly I only found that I'm a wizard a couple days ago. But I have known I was a demigod since I was 12 and since I have been in two great prophecies, that both lead to wars and several smaller prophecies. I know what I'm doing Sirius, I know how to prepare Harry for the inevitable, for the worst of the worst."

"This is why Dumbledore choose you isn't it? You're close to Harry's age and yet you've been through more than any of us."

"I think so."

"Who's your father?"

"I'll tell you but I'm not telling you anymore after that, I don't want to have to go into detail twice" Percy shudders, "my father is Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes etc."

That explains what happened earlier, I still want to know more but I did get what I came here for and I can wait for the others to find out the rest. "I'll keep your secret," I start to walk to the door but turn around first, "thank you for helping us." Percy nods and I leave.

I walk down stairs lost in thought and sit down at the table ignoring all of the stares coming from everyone sat at the table.

"So?" Severus inquires.

I shrug and look down. "What's for supper?" It's clear I'm avoiding the subject and Molly seems to pick up on this.

"You'll see, RON, GINNY, HARRY, HERMIONE, PERCY SUPPER'S READY!" She calls up the stairs. Ron, Harry and Percy barrel down the stairs with Hermione and Ginny following behind.

They all sit down and Molly places plates with seafood in front of them, Percy pales dramatically, knowing his secret I try to stifle my laughter. Percy excuses himself telling everyone he's ill and I cant help but laugh as he runs back up to his room. Everyone looks at me confused, I just shrug and dig in. When I'm done I make a sandwich and bring it up to Percy who smiles gratefully and says thanks.

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