Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I don't any of the characters. All rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

Percy's POV

"Very clearly say Diagon Alley." Mrs. Weasley tells me.

"Got it," I take some floo powder and step into the fireplace. "Diagon Alley." It feels kind of like shadow travelling but less cold and terrifying. I step out of the fireplace and look around the leaky cauldron where we will be staying for the night. I just need to get my wand and robes then I'm heading back here to start studying.

When everyone else gets out of the fireplace we all sit down and discuss what to do next. Mr. And Mrs. Weasley both agree we should stick together.

"Gringotts first," they announce. We all head to a huge building with architecture Annabeth would've loved. I close my eyes and try to clear my mind. My senses are really good so when I sense someone walking towards me I try to step around him/her, but the person steps in front of me again. I stop, sighing and open my eyes.

"Why'd you have your eyes closed?" The whitish haired boy asks, "tired of the company your keeping." This sentence is clearly directed at the Weasley's and Harry.

"Nah, I seen you walking this way and couldn't stand the sight," I grin.

"Right so Potter and the Weasley's have already gotten to you," he sneers, "bad choice sticking with them, you could still join the better people if you'd like."

I bite my lip like I'm seriously considering this, the twit grins at Harry like he's already won. "I'm going to have to pass, sorry." And I shove him as I walk by.

"You'll regret that!" He shouts.

"Doubt it." I call back. "Who is he?"

"Draco Malfoy," Harry replies, "death eater prodigy."

"Death eater," I snicker to myself, "what an awful name." I've met Thanatos and personally would rather not eat him. Harry looks at me like I'm crazy, I guess it seems like I am, laughing at something he finds so serious, like the death eaters.

"Sorry but who'd want to eat death, I honestly think that would taste disgusting, even if it was blue." Harry smiles a little at this. I haven't earned his trust yet, that's why I decided to wait a little longer to tell him, and the younger people of the order, who I really am.

We spend the next two hours shopping and then head back to the leaky cauldron. When we get there Harry and the rest of the younger people immediately sit down at a table and get something called butter-beer. "Percy you can join us if you want." Harry calls.

"Nah, I have some studying to do." I head up to my room. After a hour of studying I decide to Iris- message and see how camp is doing, I go to the bathroom and make water spray out of the tap. "Oh fleecy do me a solid, show me Jason at camp half blood." The mist shimmers and Jason and Nico show up on the screen, they're in the arena sword fighting. Jason and Nico are equals at sword fighting, but Jason gets the upper hand by flying above Nico and attacking from above.


"For good reason," Will shouts.

"Too bad," calls Jason laughing hysterically.

"Jason stop cheating!" Piper yells, no charm speak needed, Jason lands and starts fighting from the ground again.

"JASON! NICO!" I yell, frightening them both, they turn to me.

"Hey perc-" Nico gets cut off by Jason tripping him and putting his sword to Nico's throat.

"Don't get distracted," Jason grins.

Everyone shows up in the iris message, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Thalia, Will, Calypso, Reyna, Nico and the stolls.

"Hey Percy!" They all say in unison.

"Hey guys, how's everything at camp?"

"The romans, amazons and hunters are all here for the annual campfire! Hylla come over!"


"At least say hi."

"Hi Percy."

"Hey Hylla," she still doesn't completely forgive me for the circes island incident.

"PERCY GUESS WHAT I MADE!" Leo pretty much squeals.

"Leo, stop, seriously, he'll probably stop iris-messaging us if he has to listen to your squeals." Calypso goes to hit him in the arm but Leo runs away screaming like a baby and catching on fire. We all roll our eyes. Leo has gotten way worse sense getting Calypso back and she seems to be the only one able to keep him even the slightest bit under control.


"LEO SHUT UP!" Piper and Calypso say at the same time. Leo instantly listens.

"But seriously guys, I am awesome!" Again we all roll our eyes. Suddenly there is a big BOOM and some really high pitched screams. The Stolls bust out laughing.

"What have you done to my cabin?" Piper says menacingly.

The Stolls back up, "N-nothing, we just made their make-up drawers explode blue paint when they open it." Piper tries, and fails, to stifle hear laugh.

"You should probably run, everyone knows where you are, and I heard the Apollo cabin and the Aphrodite are planning on teaming up on you to. And as the councillor of the Aphrodite cabin I'll have to punish you if they cant find you here." The Stolls nod and rush out of the arena, everyone is laughing by now.

Jason is the first to calm down and he looks up at me, his eyes widen. "Percy," he nods behind me, I turn around so quickly I startle Mr. Weasley.

"I'll talk to you guys later!" I hear a chorus of bye's before I swipe my hand through the message. Mr. Weasley is staring wide eyed at where my friends used to be. "It's called an iris-message it's how we talk to each other."

"Your friends are worse then Fred and George." He says still shocked.

I laugh. "It's in their blood, literally. They are the children of Hermes, god of thieves and travellers, etc." He nods. "I assume you needed something?"

"Yeah, Molly and I were just wondering something." He pauses. "What happened to the girl that didn't turn into a tree?"

I look down and blink. "Her name was Annabeth, she was my friend for five years after I got to camp, then we started dating. During the second prophecy, she was one of the seven to, we went through something that only one other demi-god has gone through. Neither of us took it well but she had it worse then me, we wanted to finish our last year of high school outside of Rome and with our families. She was attacked by some monsters that she seen when we went through the place and she had a flashback," I pause and try to wipe away the tears spilling down my face, "they killed her when she was down, I couldn't get to her fast enough and she was killed. I should've" I sob, " I should've been there, but I wasn't, I could've saved her but I couldn't." I cant hold the tears anymore they pour down my face. I fall on the floor and bury my face in my hands. Next thing I know arms are around me and Mr. Weasley is carrying me into my room.

"Is he alright?" Someone asks.

"I don't know," says another person.

"Call Severus, Dumbledore, someone!" says the first person. By now black spots are dancing in my vision. I know I'm going into a flashback and I know that there is nothing I can do about it. I stop fighting and let the darkness consume me.

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