Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

3rd Person POV

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Percy were all walking in hogsmede, towards the place they would have the first meeting of Dumbledore's army. Of course they were just recruiting, Harry looked deep in thought he still didn't believe anyone would want to be taught by him. Ron was spaced out, while Hermione looked hopeful. Percy as per usual was twirling Riptide around his fingers.

"I still don't think they'll let me teach them," Harry says abruptly.

Percy shakes his head, "Then that is their loss, Harry you'll be a great teacher. Just let them know what they'll be missing out on, let them know you are the leader they need, the leader they can depend on. Even if they don't believe Voldemort is back they'll trust you, and when the time comes they'll realize they were wrong about Voldemort and it'll just make them trust you even more. I've heard what people are saying around Hogwarts, none of them are happy about not actually doing spells in defense against the dark arts. Honestly, I'm surprised that you guys are the first to start a group that'll learn the stuff on their own."

"I just don't know," Harry sighs. Percy nods in understanding.

"Things will work out Harry, you have friends. They'll have your back remember that."

———Time skip—————

"This is great, Neville," Hermione exclaims. "The room of requirement," she looks around in amazement. Neville blushes and looks down.

"Okay everyone, we'll start with disarming spells, everyone pair up." Harry tells them. Everyone in the group found a partner, except Percy. "Percy," Harry calls. "You can be my partner." Percy grins and nods, walking over to Harry.

"I want everyone to duel until your opponent is disarmed, ready, go!" As soon as Harry said this spells were shouted.

Harry turned to Percy and without warning, shoots a spell at him, without words to surprise him more. Percy being a demigod jumped out of the way of the spell and shot one back at Harry.

Harry was surprised, but quickly got over it. He blocked the spell and sent one back. Percy was ready for this one and blocked it, sent another one back. By now everyone had stopped practicing to watch the two duel. Back and forth they sent spells, neither seemed to be able to get the upper hand.

"Okay," Percy shouted. "I surrender!" He was grinning.

Percy lowered his wand, Harry followed suit. "How'd you get so good at that?"

"Fast reflex's, I guess," Percy shrugged. "I've been reading a lot. The spells aren't to hard to do after you get the hang of it."

"You dogged a spell, one that you weren't even expecting. That's crazy!" Ron shouted.

Again Percy shrugged, "Fast learner?"

"Alright, you're all dismissed. See you all next week." Harry stated, keeping his eyes on Percy, who was again tossing his pen. When almost everyone was gone he walked up to Percy. "How'd you really learn so fast?"

Percy sighed. "I already told you." With that he walked away.

"That's not possible," Harry mutters under his breath.

"I agree," Hermione says next to him. Harry turns, startled, to find Ron and Hermione next to him, Ron nodding in agreement. "We'll talk about this later," she nods her head in Cho Chang's direction, and starts walking to the door. Ron grins at Harry and follows her.

Later when Harry is leaving the room of requirement he finds Percy leaning against the wall, presumably waiting for him. Harry walks on without talking to Percy. Harry, Ron and Hermione sit and talk in the commons until, they all got that tired that night. Harry didn't want to go to sleep and face the dreams that he knew were sure to come.

Sure enough Harry's dreams were bombarded with nightmares later when he finally fell asleep, just not the ones he was expecting. Harry woke up to Percy leaning over him, concern etched all over his face.

"Mr. Weasley's hurt," Harry gasps. Percy's eyes widen fractionally, he nods and moves out of the way for Harry to get up. Ron was also woken by this time and the three get Professor McGonagall and head to Dumbledore's office.

"Listen to me!" Harry shouts at Dumbledore. Dumbledore turns to him slowly, "What's happening to me?" Percy looks at him with sad eyes. Dumbledore doesn't answer the question but addresses Snape instead.

"Harry, you need to calm down," Percy tries being the voice of reason. "We are doing everything we can, someone is on the way to Mr. Weasley and Dumbledore will help you when he finds the time. There is a life on the line right now, you need to let Dumbledore do what he's doing." Dumbledore flashes a grateful looks at Percy, but Percy's words didn't ease Harry's panic. Just directed Harry's jumbled emotions at Percy.

"What do you know," Harry hisses. "You have no idea what I'm going through. You have no idea what's going on, you just got here and yet you think you know everything, well you don't so back off."

Percy raises one eyebrow. "And why do you believe that I don't know what's going on, who's to say I haven't been through the same thing. You're saying that I don't know what you've been through, and you're right, I don't. But don't assume you know what I've been through or assume that you're life is any worse then mine." In fact Percy was very aware of what informative dreams were like, demigods get them often, and Percy had his fair share of them.

Harry is about to reply but Dumbledore started to talk, "Arthur is alright," he pauses looking to McGonagall. "Inform the rest of the Weasley's of what has happened, they'll be leaving tomorrow to be with their father." He turns to Harry and Percy, "You two will be joining them." With that he dismisses them all, but Snape to their rooms.

Harry wasn't ready to go to sleep after everything that happened, so he decided to go sit by the lake. A little over an hour later Harry was half asleep sat next to the lake.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here." A snake like voice says from behind Harry. Harry turns quickly to look at Voldemort. Voldemort laughs, "So easy to get." He points his wand at Harry, by then Harry was over his shock and was fully awake. But still he couldn't get his wand out fast enough to stop Voldemort's disarming spell. Harry's wand falls into the lake, Harry puts his hand in the water trying to get it before it sinks to far below but cant get it.

Harry slowly turns to Voldemort, who is smiling at Harry, a sinister smile a trapped mouse would expect from a cat. To bad Harry wasn't a mouse, nor was Voldemort a cat. Harry tackled Voldemort to the ground.

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