Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

3rd Person POV

When all of the demigods arrived at 12 Grimmauld place they immediately started to install Leo's new invention. Leo and Jason had been discussing it for a while, it would change the life of every powerful demigod everywhere, especially groups of demigods. It was a portable device that masks the scent of demigods, and hides their location from any humans they may have gotten themselves in trouble with.

The five out of the seven demigods of the prophecy were enough to send hoards of monsters on their own, but adding a child of Hades and Zeus and Apollo and Atlas adds up to a army of monsters. They had been preparing for something like this for a while making an Argo III and even some mini-Argo's just in case the need arises.

Once the monster dis-attracter was installed the demigods entered 12 Grimmauld Place, they were expecting curious glances and they got them. The adults told the children to go to the room so we could introduce ourselves, really introduce ourselves.

"I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Zeus's Roman counterpart, god of the sky. I'm not sure if Percy explained the whole Roman and Greek thing so I'll just briefly explain it. All of the Olympians have a Roman counterpart, the basically have the same domains but a little different, it's confusing and hard to explain." The order nodded.

"I'm Leo Valdez, ex-supreme commander of the Argo and current supreme commander of-"

"He's the repair boy." Piper says.

"Still very funny, Piper. Anyways I'm a son of Hephaestus, god of blacksmiths and fire. First child of Hephaestus to have power over fire since 1666." Leo grinned.

"Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite, goddess of love."

"Frank Zhang, son of Mars, Ares Roman counterpart, god of war."

"Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, Hades' Roman counterpart, god of wealth and the underworld."

"Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, god of the sky and I'm a hunter of Artemis, goddess of the hunt."

"Will Solace, son of Apollo, god of healing and music and a couple other things," Will grins.

"Calypso, daughter of Atlas, titan of navigation."

Nico blocks Wills arm before he could elbow him again, "Nico di Angelo, son of Hades."

"So, what can you guys do?" Sirius asks.

"I can fly and summon lightning, most of us have ADHD and dyslexia, the ADHD helps us stay alive in battle, our dyslexia is because our brains are hard-wired for ancient Greek or Latin. We can all fight, each of us has our own preferred weapon." Jason tells them.

"I can repair anything mechanical, I can summon fire and I prefer to fight with my hammer or whatever is in my tool-belt." Leo grins and pats his tool belt happily.

"I think it would be easier to tell you what I can do," Piper smiles at the joke that the order doesn't get, but the other demigods laugh under their breaths. "Do jumping jacks." Piper charm-speaks them. Sure enough they all do as she says, "Stop." The order stops and stares at Piper shocked. "I fight with a knife."

"I can shape-shift, and I prefer archery." Frank says.

"I can control the mist, summon precious metals, shadow travel a little, navigate underground and I fight with a Spatha." Hazel states.

"I can summon lightning, I'm kind of immortal, I can fight with sword and my shield and I can use a bow." Thalia shrugs off the stares from her saying she's immortal. "I can die, just not of illness or old age, only in battle."

"I can heal and I'm good at archery." Will says.

"My voice is kind of like Pipers but not exactly, and I can fight with a sword." Calypso says.

"I can summon the dead, control the dead and shadow travel, and I fight with a stygian iron sword." Nico states.

"What's shadow travel?" Sirius asks. One second Nico is in the shadow's behind Will and the next he's in the shadows next to Sirius.

"That was shadow travel." Nico says, deadpanned.

"Okay," Sirius swallows. "What could Percy do?"

"Percy is one of the most powerful demigod's alive. He can control the water, breath under water, use the water to make him stronger and heal faster, start a hurricane around himself, start earthquakes," Nico hesitates, and glances at the other demigods, who's eyebrows were raised. "Recently he's been working on this thing called vapor travelling, he hasn't gotten very far with it but still. He can also talk to horses and other sea animals, and he kind of blew up mount St. Helens once. He fights with Riptide, his sword, he's own of the best swordsmen this generation." The demigods looked proud of Percy's power.

"It sounds like he's your hero," Sirius chuckles.

"He is," Jason replies. "He's the unofficial leader of Camp Half-Blood, he's our best friend." The order had assumed that Jason was the leader, Jason sees this on their faces and laughs a little. "Think of me as his second in command," he grins and the mood in the room lightens.

"Okay, so now that introductions are done we need to get down to business," Sirius states. "How are we going to find Percy?"

Leo grins, at everyone's thinking faces, "Isn't it obvious what we do?" Everyone looks to him curious. "We ask him." Leo says in a duh voice.

"And how do you suggest we do that?" Dumbledore asks with an eyebrow raised.

"We'll iris message him," Mr. Weasley answered. When the demigods looked over to him in surprise he explained, " I walked in when Percy was Iris messaging you guys, he explained it to me." He shrugs. " I put two and two together, it seemed like the only possibility when Leo said to ask him, unless you guys are telepathic to."

"Well you're right I say we Iris message him and ask him." Everyone nods in agreement. 

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