Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

Harry's POV

I ran into the Hogwarts as fast as I could. I ran to the entrance to Dumbledore's office, without paying attention to what I was saying I said Dumbledore's password. I'm to worried about Percy to really think of what I was doing, I vaguely recall calling for help as I ran through the castle.


"Harry?" He calls back.

"Voldemort's out by the lake, Percy is with him. WE HAVE TO GET OUT THERE NOW!"

"Go get Snape," he says before heading out of his office. The fog that has settled over my brain is still there as I run to Snape's office and tell him. Even after he tells me to alert McGonagall. She seems to be the first person to notice my condition.

"Harry," I look up at her slowly. "Are you alright?" I continue to stare at her. "You're in shock?" This question is rhetorical. "Go to the infirmary." I nod, but wait for her to get a head start. Then run back outdoors. I see only two people outside, and when I get closer I see that it is Dumbledore and Snape.

Dumbledore hearing my coming turns slowly, "I couldn't get here in time."

"Not again," I say, and sit on the ground. Not another friend, first he killed Cedric and now Percy.

"Harry, he might not be dead." Dumbledore tries to reason. "Voldemort took him, he never killed him." He turns to Snape. "I need to go get his friends, if anyone can find him it's them." Snape nods and starts to walk towards Hogwarts. Dumbledore's words snapped me out of the fog.

"I'm going with you," I say.

Dumbledore hesitates at first. "Okay Harry, just don't react by what you might see. I'll explain it all later." We walk outside of the schools boarders and he holds out his arm and we apparate. The next thing I know we are surrounded by teens, they are all reaching to get weapons and are surrounding us.

"Who are you?" Someone asks. We are in what looks like the great hall, but of course its out doors and there are way more tables here.

"Campers!" A man- no, wait, a horse- calls. "These are friends." The campers all relax and sit back down to eat there food. The horse man walks towards us, "Dumbledore, we should go to the big house." And he starts to walk, or trot, away. We follow closely behind. When we get to the 'Big house' the horse man turns to me. "My name is Chiron, you must be Harry." I nod. "Where is Percy?" He asks Dumbledore.

"Voldemort has taken him," Dumbledore says gently. Clearly Percy means a lot to Chiron, becuase he puts his hand to his mouth and his eyes widen.

"Oh my," he sighs. Suddenly he turns to around, "Grover, go get the rest of the seven, Nico, Thalia, Will and Calypso." A teenager, with goat legs and horns, nods and runs to get said people. "They are going to be upset," he closes his eyes for a second. "When they get here you'll need to explain a little more, they know most of what Percy's doing but not all." Dumbledore nods, he clearly respects Chiron, maybe even looks up to the horse man.

"Are you a centaur?" I ask without thought, of course he is.

"Yes, my boy," he glances at Dumbledore, "I'm assuming Percy hasn't told you about this part of his life." He raises his hand before I could utter a word. "That is for him to tell." We wait a few minutes for them to come. When they do I think I went into shock again. 5 teens appeared out of the shadows, 2 dropped down from the sky, and one was riding a horse, that turned into a teen.

"Sorry we took so long, Leo accidently set fire to the forest and without Percy here we had a little trouble putting it out." The blonde that fell out of the sky said. Chiron sighed like this was the usual. "Grover stayed to calm down the nymphs, they were on a rampage. I think Leo isn't in there good graces anymore." Nymphs? My head was starting to hurt.

"We have a problem," Chiron says solemnly. "It's Percy." They all immediately tense.

"What happened?" The blonde is the first to talk, he seems to be the leader.

"He saved Harry here," Dumbledore nods in my direction. "When Harry went to go get help Percy was taken. By the time I got outside he was already gone."

The blonde sighs, "I expected this to happen just not so soon." He rubs his temples. "What do we do?"

"Voldemort would've killed him on sight if he wanted to, I think he's being held captive. We need to find him and get him out." They all nod, no hesitation.

"We have a safe house to stay at while we are looking for him, you guys are welcome to stay there."

"Leo do you have that thing made that we were talking about?" The blonde turns to a Latino boy.

"Yeah, but Jason I haven't tested it yet." The blonde, or Jason, seems to think.

"Could Clarisse and Calypso and maybe a Hephaestus camper fly the Argo III to this place and keep it nearby just in case?" Jason asks Chiron.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea." Chiron agreed.

"First I think I should further explain the situation to you guys," and so he did. They took it all in stride and waited until the end to say anything back.

"Okay, that's not so hard to grasp," Jason reasoned.

Leo snorted. "Just wait until they see what we can do." He grinned mischievously.

"Don't," they all said at the same time. To late Leo's hair burst into flames. Dumbledore and I simultaneously stepped back.

"Leo stop it," a gorgeous girl stepped up behind him and grabbed his arm. Leo pouted, but his hair went out. I guess my mouth was hanging open because Jason chuckled.

"I think we should introduce ourselves, I'm Jason."







"Will," after a couple seconds Will looked at the boy next to him. Elbows him.

"Oww," the boy rubs his arm, and glares at Will. He had a glare most people would cower under, Will didn't, he just stared back. The boy sighs, "Nico."

"Alright we should get going," Dumbledore announces. They all nod. 

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