Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

Percy POV

The ride to  Hogwarts was uneventful, I sat with the Ron, Hermione, and Harry. For most of the ride I was asleep, the rest of the ride was spent trying to make small talk with the others. They don't seem to trust me yet, I get suspicious glances from them when I'm turned the other way.

When we all get off the train I look around, everyone is wearing robes, a giant man is calling for the first years, "And the new student". Guess that's me, I walk over to the man.

Arriving at the school after a boat ride, which was refreshing, we walk into the school. It was amazing, no where near as impressive as New Rome, but it was still amazing. We enter the dining hall to get sorted, I look around and see four long tables. Guess it's kind of like the cabins back at camp, except they aren't sorted by their godly parent. What are they sorted by?

The hat in front of the room, which looks like a very stereotypical witch hat, starts sing. Me being my ADHD self didn't pay attention to any of what it said. Dumbledore got up and announced some stuff, which I also didn't listen to. Finally they start sorting, which I also didn't pay attention to. I scan the crowd trying to get a read on the people sat down at each table.

I get startled out of my thoughts by them calling my name, "Jackson, Perseus". I walk up to the front of the hall and sit on the stool.

The hat is still 5 inches from my head when it calls "GRYFFINDOR! GRYFFINDOR PLEASE DO NOT PUT ME ON THIS KIDS HEAD! GRYFFINDOR!"

The table with red and gold colors applaud, though the seem hesitant at first as if not really sure what to think about me. I sit at the table and wait for the other kids to be sorted. When they are finished being sorted Dumbledore stands and starts talking again, "Our new exchange student, Percy Jackson, will be joining the fifth years."

He keeps talking, then a women that reminds me of a toad takes over, her voice makes me want to pop my own eardrums, Dumbledore eventually gets her to stop talking and finishes his speech. When he stops talking food appears on all the plates on the table, Harry looks at me like he expects me to be surprised. All I can manage is a grimace, the gods will not be happy if I don't burn any food. I look up to Dumbledore who is frowning at me.

He walks down to me, "Is there something wrong, Percy?"

"Uh, my religon, we burn a part of our food before we eat." Dumbledore nods knowingly. He flicks his wand and a fire appears. I put the best part of my food in the fire.

When I look up Hermione is looking at me funnily, "what religon are you?"


"Oh, that's.. Cool. Is your parents pagan?"

"My father is, my mother not so much," Hermione nods, satisfied with my answers.

After we finished eating they announced it time for us to go to our commons. I walk to the commons with Harry, Ron and Hermione. When we arrive at the painting that Harry told me is called the 'fat lady' the female prefect says "Hera's dove." I have to stifle a laugh at this, Greek mythology clearly isn't a subject at this school.     

We all get ready and go to bed, my bunk is across from Harry's and bellow Neville's. I was restless, unused to the bed and being so far away from home is really getting to me. So, when Harry wakes up that night with a bad dream I'm the only one that notices.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine."

"Okay, but if you decide you're not, I'm here if you need to talk." He doesn't answer, just turns away from me. It is going to be harder to gain his trust then I thought.

 When everyone starts waking up in the morning I was already long awake, studying of course. I got about 2 hours of sleep then woke up because I'm so used to waking early in the morning I couldn't help it. I went to Dumbledore about a half hour ago to get my schedule, since he was unsure what would be suitable for me he had to inform all of my teachers of who I am and make sure they were all right with teaching me.

None of the teachers minded, they were more curious then anything, so I have all of the same classes as Harry. He didn't ask what classes I had, and I didn't offer the information.

Harry POV

We are walking to potions, Ron, Hermione, Percy and I, when Malfoy approaches.

"I see you already have the new student put in to your little group," he sneers, "big mistake kid."

"I'm hardly a kid," Percy says, "Percy Jackson," he says holding out his hand. He is wearing a long sleeve shirt but when he extends his hand it pulls back a little, I see a black tattoo. He has a dark mark, Malfoy sees it to and his eyes widen, he shakes Percy's hand. "Now that that is out of the way, we should be heading to Potions," and Percy starts to walk away.

"He has a dark mark," I whisper to Ron and Hermione.    

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