Chapter 11

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I am nervous right now. The child is looking straight at me with those lizard-looking eyes.

He has pale skin and a skinny figure.

I'm quite nervous and hesitant at the same time. Is this a prank? Or is this child homeless?

From his looks alone, he looks messy and fierce. As if a wild animal looking at someone fiercely as a way to protect themselves from unknown harm.

Ok, Lena first let's identify the situation.

"Ehem, excuse me, young boy, are you lost?" I ask as I stay in my position.

The child looks at me, watching cautiously on my every movement.

"Where are your parents?" As I said this, I walk slowly to him, but this action makes him do a position like a dog intimidating me. He showed his fangs with an angry face.

I stopped in my tracks and stay in my position to not alert him anymore, then suddenly-


A loud noise of a hungry stomach resounds within us. Not coming from me but the boy.

"Oh, are you hungry?" I said the obvious as I put my right leg to the ground to meet the position height of the hungry child.

"Of course, you are hungry, wait a second." I answered my question as I rummage through the sling bag full of food. The bag is quite heavy since there is a lot of food that has been packed for me.

I take out a two-layer lunch box filled with fried chicken, tempura, ham, pork barbeque, steak, and rice. They are arranged neatly. The top box has all the food mentioned except tempura, ham, and rice that are in the bottom layer.

Looking at the food, I realize that it was a lot. I still have the same food that has been packed for me in my backpack, so, I should give the other one to this child, since, he needs it more with that stomach growling.

I put the lunch box in front of me and slightly pushed it to the child.

"Go on, it's delicious." I said as I smiled. If it's a normal person, it would be rejected immediately since it's coming from a stranger. Yet, this child is coming to me cautiously and slowly crawling.

I guess he is very hungry and the delicious smell, also entices him to come. It's very rude to eat in the road path, but I don't have a choice. I don't want to startle him.

He smells the lunch box and the growl in his stomach is getting louder. I open the lunch box and put the two-layer beside each other.

He was still cautious and eyeing me, so, I pushed the food further to him. He backs out but slowly comes back and started to pick the biggest meat, which is the steak.

When he eats it, I can see that he likes the taste and started to gobble down the food at a faster rate.

"Wait, don't eat too much or you'll choke." I said but the child pays no mind to my words as if it has been a while since he has eaten. I look at him and just ready my bottled water in case he chokes.

Surprisingly, he didn't get choked and he also licked clean the lunch boxes. I just look at the scene with a smile on my face.

I saw a bench, a couple of steps from our position. I take first the empty lunch boxes, and then walk to the bench and sit on it.

"Hey! Come here and sit. If you come, I'll give these desserts to you." I said as I show three pieces of bun. These are buns with different flavors. One has a custard filling, the other one has a chocolate filling, and last but not the least, the mocha filling.

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