Yours, Mine, Ours

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Chapter 19 - Yours, Mine, Ours.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Wow, I typed this one so fast. Usually I do a bit at a time throughout the day, but the words were flowing out of me today! Hope you all enjoy it!

[Gray POV]

Juvia and I have been walking through the park district woods in the middle of the dark for nearly half an hour. It's so dark, I can't even tell where I am right now. No clue how Juvia even knows where she's going.

She kinda freaked me out when she yelled at me earlier. I've never seen her mad before, I was almost convinced she wasn't capable of it.

Part of me is starting to get nervous Juvia took me out here in the woods, where no one can see me to murder me, and leave me for dead.

But, she wouldn't do that. Right?

Our night hike in the woods came to a stop when Juvia spotted this gargantuan sized tree. What the hell? It was 15 stories tall.

Juvia reached into her pocket and grabbed a ribbon. She tied her hair back to keep them from her eyes. I still had no idea what we were doing, she barely explained to me why we were out here.

My eyebrow was raised, "What in the hell are you doing?"

"You'll see." She blew into her palms then rubbed her hands together for a bit.

Afterwards, Juvia began darting toward the tree in a full sprint. With her running start toward the tree, she used her arms to grip at each branch. Before I knew it, she was climbing up the tree higher and higher.

I found myself flabbergasted while I looked up at her in full shock.

Juvia sat on a branch to rest for a moment. She smirked, "You coming or what?"

As she continued traveling up the tree, I followed suit. There was more to Juvia thanI knew about, because I had no idea she could climb like a spider monkey.

Just like she demonstrated, I followed each step she took. I'm assuming this isn't her first time doing this, it was nearly second nature to her. When I climbed I was not nearly as fast, I had to double check that I don't grab on to an unstable branch. She was way further up than I was.

My goal was to try to at least catch up to her to see why she brought me here. It was the middle of a Thursday night and I'm climbing a tree at the park. Not even sure why I'm here in the first place.

Eventually, I caught sight of Juvia's cerulean colored hair. Even in the pitch back darkness of the night sky, it wasn't too hard to miss. As I looked again, I noticed we weren't alone.

Now it hit me. It was Ultear. Wow, she wasn't kidding. This is the last place I would've looked for her and Juvia found her on her first guess.

Right when I caught up to them, I overheard part of their conversation. I hesitated to climb up further, so I just listened in below them. It doesn't seem like Ultear knows I'm here. Might be better that way.

[Omniscient POV]

Utear sat at the highest part of the faithful old oak tree. Gobbets of tears fell as she wept, the wind picked up her drops and blew it into the night sky.

She stared at the stars twinkling above her. The view of the town was lightly lit with a dim luminance from the lovely sight of the Full Moon.

Her heart was filled with sorrow and discontentment. Ultear wasn't sure what her next move was. She was running out of places to go.

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