Speak Now

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Chapter 16 - Speak Now

Author's Note: Hello everyone!

I'm so happy to read all of your fun comments! It brings me so much joy when I get emails about reviews, comments and follows! It keeps my motivation to keep writing!

I'm so happy you are all enjoying my work so far! I'm thankful for each and everyone of you guys! I cannot thank you all enough!

[Juvia POV]

Meredy's voice was blasting on my phone through the speaker, "Lyon seriously did that?"

I had her on speaker because I was in the middle of sorting through laundry. It was a lazy weekend day, and I had no other plans today other than cleaning my room.

"Oh yeah," I rolled my eyes as if Meredy were actually next to me, "He serenaded me and everything. It was an experience."

That was the nicest way I could say it.

"Mhm," She agreed, "Oh I believe you. That Lyon is something else."

We both laughed together for a moment. Even though it was embarrassing at the time, now looking back it was a bit comical.

"So, How are things going at the Milkovich household?" Meredy transitioned the conversation. She was out of the loop for a while.

She has been away, and missed a few chapters of my life. So much has happened in a short amount of time. I had to go through my whole life story to keep her in check and boy was it a lot to unpack. My life is so hectic!

Truthfully it's been lonely without Meredy. With Gray suddenly ignoring me, Ultear basically hated me and went AWOL; Lyon was the only other person I had to hang out with at school. While I'm thankful I'm not completely alone, Lyon is way too intense for my taste.

Meredy was trying to process everything I told her, "So, no word from Ultear?"

"No," I shook my head even though she couldn't see me, "I wish I had been more understanding. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel like we were ganging up on her."

"I don't think that was your intention. She was in a stressful place. Maybe she just took what you said differently. She's going through so much." Meredy was always the level headed one in the group. Even though she's so much younger, she is wild beyond all her short years of life.

"I just hope she's okay. Her mom said she's with her dad." I worried at the thought of how she was doing, "We both know what her dad is like."

She disagreed, "Ultear is strong. She might be lost right now, but she needs time."

"You know, I hope you're right." I looked around my room, in Ultear's house, without Ultear in it, "It feels weird to live in her house, with her mom. And, she's not even here. I feel like I shouldn't be here."

"Ur would never do that to you." Meredy comforted my worries, "How has everyone else in the house been?"

"Well, Silver is still Silver. Although I think he feels guilty for the whole deck thing. He stopped working on it after the situation. Ur has been really on edge lately. I can tell this is eating her up. And Gray..." I stopped to think about what has happened between us lately, "He hates me. I don't think he wants anything to do with me."

"What?" Meredy gasped, "Why?"

"That's the thing!" I exclaimed with my arms out exaggerating my point, "I don't even know what I did! He started dating Daphne and ever since then, we can't even be friends!"

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