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"(Y/N) be ready to fight" Clint says, handing me one of the many guns in his car. "I'm always ready" I say as I shove the gun into the waistband of my pants. "Good" he says as he concentrates on the road and not going over the speed limit. He pulls into an abandoned alleyway next to the warehouse where Kate's signal is coming from. "Let's roll," he says, jumping out of the car. I slam my door shut and walk behind him as we come up on the big empty warehouse. 

I pull out my gun and caulk it as we walk to the back of the warehouse. Once inside the warehouse Clint takes out his bow and his arrows. "Stay quiet," Clint whispers as we get closer. Before we could find Kate we hear muted voices talking we look down to see a blond haired lady and a redhead both talking. "Clint Barton will be here anytime" the blond haired girl says in a heavy Russian accent. "He can't stand not having his partner," the redhead adds.

I look towards Clint as he motions to continue walking. We come upon a spot where we can see Kate tied to a chair. "What do you want!" She yells as the blondy walks up to her holding a gun to her forehead. "Jump down I'll cover you" Clint says, nudging me closer to the edge. I give him a little salute as I jump down making a huge racket. 

"What the heck?" The blondy says, turning her attention to me. "Hola senorita" I say as I confidently walk forward. "Who the fuck are you?" She asks, holding the gun out in front of her. "I am (Y/N) ma'am" I add pulling out my gun. "Looks like it's a showdown" I say as we both glare at each other. "Who are you?" I ask curiously "I am Yelena" she says as she gains ground on me. "Come and fight me Yelena" I taunt. 

Out of nowhere I feel a painful sensation hit the side of my head. I drop to the ground and look up to see both Yelena and the redhead standing over me. "You're weak" Yelena says as she scans me up and down. "Sure I am" I say sarcastically. That was Clint cue to hop down and save Kate. Clint hops down from the rafters making the same amount of noise I made. Yelena and the redheads' attention is stuck going between me and Clint. I take that as my cue to hop up and attack Yelena and the redhead. Whose name I still have yet to know. 

Yelena's attention quickly snaps back to me as I hop up and punch her, making her stumble back in surprise. We begin fist fighting as Clint and Kate fight the other lady. I put Yelena in a headlock and hold her as she panics, only making her lose more air. "You're weak" I say, impersonating her voice. "Let's go (Y/N)!" Clint yells. I tighten my grip around her neck before dropping her to the ground and breaking for where Clint and Kate are. But making it there would be too easy wouldn't it. Before I make it there I feel a force hit the back of my head making me stumble to my knees. 

Yelena jumps in front of me and with a wicked smile comes closer and puts her lips to my ear. "Mrs.(Y/N) you've messed with the wrong people". She pulls out a knife and attempts to slash at me but I was too quick pulling myself to my feet before she could stab me. "I don't want any trouble" I add backing up towards the exit. "Really?" Yelena adds sarcastically. I couldn't take another punch from her or I would drop and not get back up quick enough. 

"Well" I start "Your little minion failed to keep Clint and Kate here and you're about to lose me so bye" I say with a smug smile as I backpedal and flip around running out to Clint's car. I get in slamming the door and he gets out of there before Yelena or the redhead could get us. I take a sigh of relief as I slouch back into the car's soft material seats. "You took quite a beating," Clint says, looking back at me through the rearview mirror. "Ya if I took another hit I would go down hard" I said looking out the window at all the different colored cars. 

The rest of the car ride is mostly quiet except for the radio. 

Clint's Niece (KateXfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now