CHAPTER 6-Book 2

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⚠️TW⚠️ Mentions of abuse

Morning comes and sunlight pours into my room yet I still lay awake. My eyes red and my hair messed up from tossing and turning. The apartment is still silent so I continue to lay in bed.

"Morning" someone says as they pass by my door. "Morning" I greet back my voice raspy.

"What do you think Clint is gonna do with you?" Kate asks materializing on the edge of my bed.

I jump a little and give her a weary smile. "I don't know probably actully kill me" I chuckle

"Your his niece why would he?" She asks. "You don't know our past we were never the closest" I add laying back down.

"He let you stay here though" Kate adds. "Because my parents are dead" I mumble.

"He.....hmm....let you talk to Yelena alone" she adds her voice rising with every word. "He's not a good person Kate" I say. "And neither am I"

"Your a fine person" she says quietly. "Whatever you think" I say.

We sit in silence for a little until we hesr shuffling about the house and lights turn on. It's either Clint or Nat and I'm hoping it's Nat so we can delay this process.

"Get up were going for a run" Nat says holding my pair of running shoes in her hands. "I'm not in the mood" I groan.

"I'll be ready in 5 minutes" Nat says walking away from my door. "Just go with her you'll be fine" Kate says.

"Fine I'll go to make you happy" I sigh. "Have fun" she chuckles. "Ya ya" I say tossing the shoes on and wating by the door.

"Let's go (Y/N)!" Natasha yells only to turn towards the door to see me. "Wow you actually got ready" she says scanning me up and down.

"Ya well I've got nothing better to do so ya" I say. I shove my phone in my pocket and walk out of the apartment with Natasha. The apartment building is quiet and so are the streets.

Trees rustle and the wind carries the scent of fresh coffee from open coffee shops. We run side by side matching each others speed no one is going faster no one is going slower.

"What's up?" She asks as we run forcing me to slow down my pace to try to think of an answer.

"Nothing" I add. "Mhm sure" she says.

"(Y/N) come on whats up?" She asks. "He's never proud of me I saved him yet still I am getting yelled at" I admit.

Feeling my eyes start to sting. I breath heavily the air scraping my throat raw. "He is proud of you" Natasha says after a moment of silence.

"No" I rasp out tears pour down my cheeks and I stop abruptly sitting down on the edge of the side walk watching my tears stain the side walk.

"(Y/N) come on" Natasha says gently patting my back. "Leave me alone" I choke out. The tears dey as quickly as they fall.

"Ok" she says sitting down next to me. I finally look up looking at the sidewalk in front of me that is now filled with all types of people. "Can we go get a coffee?" I ask the smell makes me crave it.

"Ya come on" Natasha says helping me up. We find the nearest coffee shop and walk in. We order and sit snd talk.

"He's proud of you" she says again. This time I have no tears left I used them all on him the first time.

"That's what my mom would say to me about my dad but she never saw behind the curtain" I say holding my breath that she wouldn't ask more about it.

"Abuse?" She asks dropping her voice so only I could hear. I nod tiliting my head back to hold back more tears.

I lift up my shirt sleeve and show her the thick scares that line my arm one I got from her sister but I didn't tell her that. "(Y/N) I'm so sorry" Nat says her eyes growing bigger with every scare she spots.

"It's fine no one really believed me but then he died the same way my mom did car wreck" I say. "A horrible one no one was alive and then a year or two later I moved in with Clint"

"What about Milo?" She asks. "I don't know where he is" I sigh leaning back against the booth chair.

"Probably dead too" I mutter quietly. "How long did he abuse you?" She asks.

"Years" I add. I fidget with my empty coffee cup making scratches in the styrofoam. "We should probably get back if Clint found out we went out in public he'd kill me" I add standing up to avoid another question.

Nat follows me and I toss my cup in the trash then we walk back out into the coolness. We run back home and slip back into the apartment.

"(Y/N) get back in your room" Clint says the minute I enter the door. I don't say anything I just make the walk to my door shutting it when I am inside.

I flop onto my bed tears burst out. I couldn't tell who they were for though. They were just there. "Knock knock" someone says.

"Come in" I yell through my pillow. "(Y/N)" the person says. "Ya?" I ask sitting up and turning to them.

My eyes were bloodshot from crying. "Kate" I say. "Ya?" She asks.

"Nothing" I say moving closer to lay my head in her lap. She looks down at me and laughs. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing" she says messing with my hair. "You ok?" She asks. "Mhm" I mumble through grit teeth.

I sit up and turn towards Kate. "Are you ok?" I ask on a serious note. "Ya I'm great" she says enthusiastically like always. "Ok" I say.

"Clint says he going to kick you out" Kate says leaning in to lay both her hands on my shoulders. I lean in to rest my forehead on hers.

"I knew it was coming" I say.

The air between us becomes electric and our breaths mix as we both form big smiles. "I've always loved you" Kate says.

I only smile bigger.

When we clash lips its a soft kiss. A gentle kiss that could last a lifetime if you let it. We both pull away with even bigger smiles. "Wow" I say. She wraps her arms around my neck pulling me in again.

(Word Count 1144)
A/N:That visit in public seemed to go a little to smooth don't cha think other then the tearshed. I think there was something more sinister going down that neither Natasha or (Y/N) knew about.

Haha but you won't know until tomorrow.

P.S (Enjoy the kiss)

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